Monday, April 2, 2012


He loved pansies
So she plants them
Over his heart
Every spring
No one sees her
Kneeling there
Life’s brief dance
With him

Grief never tires
Yet, it is not
Love’s revenge
But its bittersweet harvest
Pansies flourish
‘neath the tears
Of heaven
And one lone

© Janet Martin 


  1. My mom and her sister go every year and plant pretty flowers at my Grandma & Grandpa Leasure's grave as well as my uncle Don's... then we all stop by to weed & water. Although we know they're not truly there, it's comforting to remember them and honor their memory. The last time I was there was when the leaves were changing. There was a gentle breeze blowing, and it was late in the afternoon... it was so peaceful...

  2. Bud, thank-you:)

    Megan, the tid-bits of your life that you share in your comments are so precious and interesting. Thank-you so much!You come from beautiful stock and I see that it is being transplanted to your children. God Bless~


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!