Friday, July 19, 2024

Hymn of Hope

but hope, joy and peace abides...

Peace I leave with you;
My peace I give to you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled;
do not be afraid.

If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first.

strengthening the souls of the disciples
and encouraging them to continue in the faith.
"We must endure many hardships
to enter the kingdom of God," they said.

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors
through Him who loved us.

Teach me to do thy will;
for thou art my God:
thy spirit is good;
lead me into the land of uprightness.

Not every one that saith unto me,
, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;
but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

The world is passing away, along with its desires;
but whoever does the will of God remains forever.


Praying we turn to, flee to and lean on 
God's Word for comfort and assurance!
Praying we dare to stand strong
like Daniel of old,
in the face of opposition! 
For powerful summer reading I highly recommend

Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, 
but My words will never pass away....

The Creator of Heaven and earth is faithful in all He has said

This world is full of noise and joys, grief, trouble, sorrow’s tears
Lord, give us ears to hear Your voice and faith to transcend fears
Your Word is truth; Lord, help us seek to hide it in our hearts
To strengthen us when we are weak, to thwart the Tempter’s darts
To help us to be modern-day apostles; faithful, true
Enough to know that nothing is impossible with You
Who tunes the wondrous universe yet knows us all full-well
Because you died to break sin’s curse and conquer death and hell

This world is charged with choice and consequence, regret and grace
Lord, tune us to the gross offence of love we oft misplace
Lord, forgive us our debt, of neglect and ingratitude
Help us commit not to forget your kind mercies renewed
Each morning, then to live to worship You through word and deed
Enough to know that You forgive, You gird, You intercede
And nothing is too hard for You; Comforter, Father, Friend
Your Word alone equips us to be faithful to the end

This world and all in it will pass away; never Your Word
Like armour that fits perfectly; the soldier/soul-dier undeterred
Able to face ferocious foe with holy confidence
The loving grace whereby we go, faith’s refuge and defense
Because we are victorious, though days are dark with death
Enough to know Who goes before us till our dying breath
When faith’s veil will be rent, and time’s dim glass that we peer through
Is shattered; Lord, keep us obedient, steadfast and true

This world is full of fleeting boasters, proud, corrupt and blind
Lord, pray we strive to love You most, with heart, soul, strength and mind
To wholly trust you as we offer up Self, sacrificed
Glad for the gospel’s sake to suffer for the cause of Christ
Because You suffered in our stead to draw mankind to You
Enough to know what You have said You are able to do
And greater, so much greater is Your Inner Voice unfurled
Than all the human natures of the armies of this world

© Janet Martin

But the Lord is my defence; 
and my God is the rock of my refuge.


On this rather somber and hopeful note
I am taking my annual blogging break until the end of July.
See you in August, Lord willing!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Like a Lovely Treasure Hunt

John 15:11
I have told you these things so that My joy may be in you 
and your joy may be complete.

John 16:24
Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. 
Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.

It's the time of year when blog posts and poems don't have any fixed schedule!!
Right now I'm waiting for zucchini date nut loaves to finish baking...
oops!! just checked them and they're done! (recipe below)

 I began this poem yesterday before heading out to a
belated birthday tea with some friends I used to do childcare for...
inspiring this line; Thank God for little boys and girls; 
for cups of tea with cake-slice bliss...
(I intentionally didn't take my camera with me but thoroughly regretted it)
Enjoying leftovers today and treasuring the memories !

this was last weekend's slice of cake bliss 😋

To search for simple joys each day is like a lovely treasure hunt...

Like rooster at daybreak that crows to rally us with raucous noise...

Like bud that always without fail bears handiwork, second to none

Who can instill the seed with bread,...

Who but God can turn every head to marvel at His evidence...

To search for simple joys each day is like a lovely treasure hunt
To keep discouragement at bay and touch the hem of God’s garment
The weight of love’s workaday cares, or circumstance, heavy with ‘why’
Without the One who hears our prayers, would drain life’s cup of gladness dry
Thank-you dear Lord, for the sweet joy and peace that comes from trusting You
Content to know none can destroy Your promises, faithful and true

This world reels and groans with unknowns, yet overflows with simple joys
Like rooster at daybreak that crows to rally us with raucous noise
Like bud that always without fail bears handiwork, second to none
Like night as it grows pale and wears blue and blush scarf, then brooch of sun
And as daylight grows dim dusk splays a gold and coral masterpiece
As heaven’s declarations brim with praise for He who does not cease

Goodness and mercy’s glory-days are not reserved for Select Few
God loves to amaze us with ways that mere mortal cannot outdo
Who can instill the seed with bread, or offer death’s deliverance
Who but God can turn every head to marvel at His evidence
Who else can crown Bygone’s vast ‘Had’ with Holy Ground of a new day
For us to rejoice and be glad for simple joys along life’s way

Like fresh baked pies, cookies or tarts, like curious little girls and boys
Who find the soft spot in our hearts and tickle us with simple joys
Of innocence and grins and curls, dimples and freckled nose to kiss
Thank God for little boys and girls; for cups of tea with cake-slice bliss
For colour-kindled laundry lines and gardens bursting at sod-seams
For honey-suckle and grape vines, for happiness of hopes and dreams

Praise God from whom all blessings pour in mercies where sorrows run rife
While making us more thankful for the simple joys of love and life
Like strength to tackle to-do lists and pause to smell the posies too
Like lying beneath vistas of cumulus cloud and boundless blue
Like being humbly overcome with gratitude; joy’s sweetest sum
Evoked by things like clumsy bumblebees, covered in pollen crumbs

© Janet Martin

Like fresh baked pies,...

colour-kindled laundry lines 

and gardens bursting at sod-seams

For honey-suckle and grape vines,

and the recipe for;

Janet's Date-nut Zucchini Bread

3 eggs (room temp)
1 cup oil
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
11/2 tsp. vanilla
2 cups shredded zucchini
11/2 cups all purp. flour 
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
(OR 2 cups all purpose flour)
1/2 tsp. salt
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 cup chopped nuts
1 cup chopped dates

Beat eggs then add sugars, oil and vanilla.
stir in zucchini
Sift and add dry ingred.
Do not overmix.
Last stri in nuts and dates.

Line 2 loaf pans with parchment paper
(or grease them but I find they get a bit dark on the bottom
 more easily without paper.)
Divide batter evenly
garnish with a few more nuts if you like
bake at 350F till firm to touch
(between 45-55 min.)

cool and enjoy.
These loaves freeze well which is why I usually make a double batch

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Time Never Feels Quite Long Enough

When it comes to love
Time never feels quite long enough

A rare everyone-home evening on the weekend;
when time never feels nearly long enough 

Time never feels quite long enough, it often seems to me
These precious days we dearly love fly by, don’t you agree
How beautiful and terrible the tug of heartstrings ache
Where hello soon bears farewell hugs in Loving’s give and take

Time never feels quite long enough where love and laughter meld
To keepsakes in a treasure-trove of echoes fondly held
Where sometimes, in love’s sentimental joy and sorrow-wake
We grow reluctant to count candles on a birthday cake

Where children seem to hurry so to run sweet childhood through
And we try not to worry oh, while growing older too 
Where dawn is soon dusk's blue tableau where shadow steeples sprawl
And holding turns to letting go while smiles brim and tears fall 

Time never feels quite long enough in the fine company
Of ‘perfectly imperfect’ love of friends and family
Which makes me hunger for Love’s timeless bliss still set before
Up yonder where no parting is, in Love’s Forevermore

Time always only gives and takes today, no more, no less
Its intangible ocean breaks our hearts with happiness
While teaching us through pray-push-shove, when it comes to farewell
Time never feels quite long enough for all love wants to tell

© Janet Martin

Time's Wise, Worthwhile and Most Beautiful Redemption

Ephesians 5:15-16

Pay careful attention, then, 
to how you walk,
 not as unwise but as wise,
redeeming the time, 
because the days are evil.

A wet garden stroll this morning
with coffee and camera in hand 
(naturally 😊)



rain-bent geranium







Can there be a wiser way
To redeem time’s hours
Than to spend a summer’s day
Communing with flow’rs

Than for half an afternoon
Stop to smell the roses
Awed at petal-poem boon
Only God composes

Than to gaze at Queen Ann’s lace
Studying its stitches
Than to reverently trace
Detail that bewitches

Than be sweetly stunned to find
Myriad masterpieces
Then, be more worship inclined
As wonder increases

Can there be a better way
To relieve love’s duty
Than to pause, a summer’s day
In God-gardened beauty

Can there be a purer laud
Than in bloom bent bow'r
Than to grasp a glimpse of God
Smiling in each flower 

Sh-h-h! Can you hear wisdom woo
Gloriously granted?
To be like a flower too
And bloom where we're planted 

© Janet Martin

Monday, July 15, 2024

A Prayer of Renewal of Mind/ Refuel of Faith

Happy New Week to you...
Off the top, a prayer request once again for my sister-in-law Karen,
in hospital struggling with illness. 
Please pray for the medical team and a correct diagnosis and treatment!
Please pray for Karen and her family's strength and encouragement! 

Please also pray for wisdom to know how to bring comfort
took the life of a wife and mother in our community!
Please pray for their comfort as well 💔
that they may know
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
    and saves those who are crushed in spirit. 

Today's prayer-poem is shared, ultimately
as a reminder and encouragement
 to fight the good fight, 
to finish the race,  
to keep the faith. 
to prize the crown of righteousness, 
which the Lord, the righteous Judge, 
will award to me (and you) on that day—
and not only to me, (and you)
but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

A few favorite songs to begin a new week on!


Lord, you are altogether wonderful and worthy of
Desire’s dearest, deepest plea of devotion and love
Though the spirit is willing, Lord, you know the flesh is weak
And prone to pride, untoward and too pitiful to speak

But You are rich in mercy, Lord, a patient Father-Friend
You forgive us when we are truly sorry and repent
Then make my life an open book with nothing left to hide
Strip me of looking back, like Lot’s wife, and rid me of pride

Unfold the secret/stubborn strongholds of my heart, Lord, lay them bare
Like sacrifices on an altar of penitent prayer
Help me to love my neighbor as myself, with no holds barred
And be a faithful laborer even when toil/love is hard

When popular opinion and wild applause sways the crowd
And religion becomes defiled, disobedient, proud
Remind me of the consequences still waiting to be
Of love’s final recompense and its grave longevity

Lord, you are altogether wonderful and worthy of
Love’s unreserved commitment to go over and above
Required regulations as an antidote for guilt
Rather than emulations of Your lifeblood freely spilt

Lord, there is much to do; help me with true humility
To give my life to You as once You gave Your life for me
To count each earthly loss as gain in an eternal crown
And to take up the cross of faith until You lay it down

Your Word, a gushing fountain that will quench Want, through and through
Your faithful goodness and mercy, always more than enough 
To satisfy us in the morning with unfailing love
Lord, let us covet shamelessly the prayers of fellow-saints
Of fellow-warriors, till we transcend creature-complaints
Till Sight tenderly traces enduring faith's glory, when
We, who with unveiled faces are transformed at last, amen

© Janet Martin

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live;
yet not I, but Christ liveth in me:
and the life which I now live in the flesh 
I live by the faith of the Son of God,
who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Friday, July 12, 2024

To The Likes of Us

Each day is a little like a flower
that unfolds, blooms and fades, so fast!
A little like summer flowers, which
is why I am sharing another flower-garden meander today,
because this garden will not stay this way for long!

I like picturing God at daybreak,
with a watering can in his Hand
showering the earth with goodness and mercy!
Does that image fill you with
hope, joy and peace too?

Lowered to the likes of we
Through star-studded canopy
Rushing night’s dazzling veneer
Till its tea-lights disappear
God, so rich in mercy grants
A new day filled with fresh chance

To track records, vile and grim
As we disregarded Him
While we craved the fading fruits
Of this world’s grave-doomed pursuits
God so rich in love bestows
Daybreak, like a dew-kissed rose

Above our wayward bent
He unfolds a blush-gold tent
Grace affords to likes of we
Unmarred opportunity
Fills thoroughfares, still untrod
Lowered from the Hand of God

Thus, may the likes of us be
Thankful, with humility
Earth and sky thunders with Him
Where goodness and mercy brim
From God, patient, kind and true
To the likes of me and you

© Janet Martin

(read the whole glorious chapter HERE)

A voice says, “Cry out!”

And I asked, “What should I cry out?”

“All flesh is like grass,

and all its glory like the flowers of the field.

7The grass withers and the flowers fall

when the breath of the LORD blows on them;

indeed, the people are grass.

8The grass withers and the flowers fall,

but the word of our God stands forever.”e

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Good and Perfect 'Changeless'

James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,
who does not change like shifting shadows.

The cup that holds life’s sparkle of delight
Praise God, still spills to gladden taste and touch...

The innocence of tot, eager to learn
The priceless charge of we who teach and train...
(Helping gramma make *Lemon-raspberry-blueberry muffins)
Recipe at the bottom of this post

Grandson is learning,an egg beater is not as easy as gramma made it look 😊💖

Forever, licking the bowl is the best part of helping

well, almost!

The sweeping lyrics of soft summer rain...
(I hope the corn rows recover  from some 
VERY sweeping, not always soft, 
remnant of hurricane Beryl 'lyrics', yesterday!)

Mingled warble of songbirds, free of care...

The happy, smile-reward of ‘dishes done’

The unspeakable awe of lilies fair

And fine vesture of fields, wildflower-spun

The best things in life do not change, in spite
Of rise and fall of centuries and such
The cup that holds life’s sparkle of delight
Praise God, still spills to gladden taste and touch

The innocence of tot, eager to learn
The priceless charge of we who teach and train
God’s tutelage, that we could never earn
The sweeping lyrics of soft summer rain

Mingled warble of songbirds, free of care
The happy, smile-reward of ‘dishes done’
The unspeakable awe of lilies fair
And fine vesture of fields, wildflower-spun

Each new day, rife with opportunity
A little like an ephemeral raft
Where the pleasure of pleasant company
Grants echo-measure to treasure long aft

The value of kindness, however small
To cheer someone. The joy of home, sweet home
A haven in a world of beck and call
To which, eager and thankfully we come

Sound slumber’s elixir, coffee, hot, black
The grace whereby we weather the ways of
Today; something we can never have back
Then, make the precious best of live-to-love

Because the best things time cannot estrange
No shifting shadow, God, whose mercies brim
In steadfast faithfulness, through constant change
Still, every good, perfect gift comes from Him

The pure contentment of a thankful heart
The happiness of words like ‘us’ and ‘we’
Each season, showcasing majestic art
By the author of perfect poetry

The thrill of a good book, good food, good friend 
Good morning dear, wherever you may be
We have a God whose goodness knows no end
 Trustworthy throughout all eternity 

© Janet Martin

This is how the book George Muller of Bristol ends;
the changelessness of truth makes its treasured text timeless 

and here is the above mentioned recipe

Janet's Raspberry-Blueberry Lemon Muffins

(originally they were going to be only Raspberry-lemon.
 but while Gramma had her back turned
half of the raspberries mysteriously disappeared!) 😂😉

21/2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup white sugar (or less)
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 cup butter (or 3/4 cup butter and 2 tbsp. olive oil)
zest of one lemon
3/4 cup milk
squeeze in juice of 1/2 lemon
2 eggs
 1 tsp. vanilla 
1 cup each, frozen or fresh
raspberries and blueberries
slivered almond garnish, optional

Combine flour, sugar and baking powder in large bowl.
cut in butter peices till crumbly.
reserve 3/4 cup of crumbs for topping.
set aside.
Combine milk, eggs and vanilla
Add to dry ingredients, and lemon zest, 
and stir only till moistened.
gently fold in fruit.
Spoon into muffin cups.
Sprinkle with reserved crumbs (and slivered almonds)
Bake approx. 30 min. or till firm whe touched at 350 F
Yield: 12 large or 18 medium muffins