Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Little Thinkin'...

What a gift is
This weariness
Not merely oppressing
But simply the effect
Of toil and duty
A tired Mother
Love’s hard-earned beauty


To have much to do
Is God’s gift of love
I bow humbly in thanks
To the Giver above


There are many words
Whispering; oh, how they beseech
Detained on a fringe; lingering
Just beyond my reach


If the flip-side of joy is sorrow
Come what may…
Is the flip-side of today, tomorrow
Or yesterday?


Leave your worry and care
and do not despair
at the unknown that murmurs dark warning
My mother always said
Just go to bed
Things will look brighter in the morning

(I find myself repeating those words to my kids…and I have lived to see they are true!)


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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!