Showing posts with label Henry Van Dyke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Henry Van Dyke. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Blessing for Dads

Happy Father's Day...
I am grateful for the many sacrifices Jim makes
for the benefit of us, his family!
Thank-you 💖

Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath; instead, 
bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

I am so thankful to God for my dad who loved the Lord
and instilled the spark of God's love in us when we were but a little child,
and nurtured it, sometimes by great frustration of the child
into something we can look back on, in maturity
and marvel at his wisdom!! 

A photo from a month ago of my grandson and his daddy...
my love and prayers are with young dads esp. who are seeking to
raise children to grow into godly men and women, in an ungodly world.
What a tremendous, sacred calling, dear young fathers, you have!
I pray God's Word is a lamp to your feet
and a light to your path!
Without it we stray and become wise in our own eyes 🙏

God bless the dad who is undeterred
In training a child through the lens/Light of God’s Word

God bless the dad whose ultimate goal
Is nurturing child in both body and soul

…who teaches his children to love and revere
Our Father in Heaven, who loves us so dear

God, bless the dad who hallows Your name
And teaches his children to do the same

And, bless the dad who, when the going gets tough
Still trusts in Your promises to be enough

Who instructs his children with more than mere talk
But, sets by example, the way they should walk

…who faithfully labors and faithfully prays
And shoulders the yoke of his call, by God’s grace

© Janet Martin

I love this excerpt from the book Little Rivers
by Henry Van Dyke

I'm sorry I can't share the whole chapter!

I'm dusting off an oldie this morning, as well;
a poem my son and some of his friends read for a Father's day church service 
around 16 years ago!

Some dads are really, really cool, and some are really smart,
Some dads barely went to school but still have big soft hearts,
Some dads stand up straight and tall and look all sober-like
As if they’ve never thrown a ball or raced on their old bike,
Some dads like to tease and wink and some dads laugh a lot,
I guess, I suppose, it depends, I think, on how many bills they’ve got,
‘Cause dad says, as long as the bills keep a-comin’,
He’ll have to get up an’ keep on a-workin’,
And God bless the dad that keeps on a-hummin’
Even when the bills keep a-comin’

Some dads make lots of money and some, I’ve heard, are broke,
Some say things like sweetheart and honey and some dads never joke,
Some dads work from dawn ‘til dark with little time to play,
Some take their children to the park and some just go away,
Some dads work so very hard so mother can stay home,
Some dads are so very tired, when at last they come,
But, God bless the dad, who at the end of his day
Still gets down on his knees to pray,
And God bless the faithful dad who
Teaches his little ones to pray too

Some dads are really big and tough, while some are short and thin,
Some dads are kinda’ rough and some are gentlemen,
Some dad’s hair is curly and some dad’s hair is gray,
Some don’t really worry ‘cause their hair has gone away,
Some dads drive pick-ups shiny and new, some say any wheels will do,
'As long as it takes me to work and such, and the insurance on it isn’t too much,'
Some dads whistle and some dads sing,
At home some dads feel as rich as a king,
But for one thing I sure am glad,
God knew how much we’d need some dads

Some dads read God’s word every night, some never read at all,
Some dads teach us wrong from right to guide us lest we fall,
And some dads are a little like God, I suppose,
‘Cause through trial and error this dad knows
Though hearts be broken and sometimes need mending,
A father’s love is never-ending,
And God bless the dad whose love never fails,
When the going gets bad, love still prevails,
Thus, for one thing I sure am glad, 
God knew how much we’d need some dads,

Some dads’ sure leave big shoes to fill 
but the One who guides them will be there still,
Someday, when someone says they’re glad 
God knew how much we’d need some dads

Janet Martin

Monday, February 12, 2024

Dear Henry Van Dyke (and a few other rare old writers/poets)

Books that touch me/move me as often and deeply as the one below
are far and few between!

Thank-you Henry!

You are my friend though you were gone long before I was born
And we have never met, save in words penned in days of yorn
You move me still, where once your quill traversed a barren page
To leave behind kind fellowship for folk of future age
To touch us in those places time cannot affect, it seems
No matter how it chases generations through its schemes/dreams

I love you, though to tell you is a joy deferred and weighed
In a balance that tips toward a door none can evade
Till then I'll taste thy turn of phrase with slow and sheer amour
To think that ink can keep alive what death cannot devour
To touch us with affections Time cannot thwart by its toll
As you arouse reflections in rivers poured from your soul

You make me smile and weep and laugh and sigh in sweet surprise
You steal my breath; earth moves beneath its motionless disguise
Oh, how I wish that I could shake the hand that shaped the thought
That gently cheers an afternoon, soon otherwise forgot
You touch me as if we were just a fireside apart
Sharing a glimpse of heaven as we commune, heart to heart

© Janet Martin

Below are a few examples why I love this writer so much!

Thursday, December 15, 2022

By Tender Means of Poetry (or, To My Gentle Reader)

So sorry, sweet little birdies, but filling the feeders needs to wait!

A sudden day off due to wild weather has opened the rather rare (ice-embossed)
window of opportunity to 'wax poetic' 😅💓

This book, rescued from the garbage bin by a truly caring friend
 who dropped it off at my door last week, 
Stole my heart with the first page!...

and inspired today's poem 'to my gentle reader'...

Of that which kindly comes to be
By tender means of poetry
To cheer us gently on, dear friend
Upon life’s careworn twist and bend
Where face to face we may not meet
To trace the bond of friendships sweet
I thank God for love’s ink-wrought font
To gently bind the wounds of want
And keep each other company
By tender means of poetry

To know, though we are far apart
The timeless tug of heart to heart
To share the very sacred touch
Of tears and smiles and prayers and such
And help us realize anew
The preciousness of me-and-you
And to gladden regions of thought
With refreshed awareness of God
To make us feel like family
By tender means of poetry

To tune us to the creature cry
Of hope; to hold love’s candle high
Where often dreams do not come true
And carefully laid plans fall through
To teach us to not cling too fast
-ly to what soon augments the past
To remind us, through lilt of rhyme
What does not change, in spite of time
And taste life’s sweet comradery
By tender means of poetry

To catch midst winter’s frigid fling
A sense of everlasting spring
To find a plot where tulips grow
To brighten thought while wild winds blow
To rouse an unexpected thrill
Where pages birth a bloom-tossed hill
And suddenly we bow the head
And thank God for the bit o' bread
Through that which kindly comes to be
By tender means of poetry

© Janet Martin