Thursday, April 5, 2012

Before Micro-mentality

Before micro-waves, dishwashers
Riding mowers, computers, cell-phones

Before instant potatoes, rice, oatmeal or pizza
Before instant anything

Before gyms to de-stress
Or talk of fitness
Before X-box, i-pod, Nintendo
You-tube, game-boy and  500 TV channels

There were twenty-four hour days
Of hard-work…and play

…and front-porches in the evening
With families on them

© Janet Martin

Poetics Aside Prompt:  write a poem about something before your time.


  1. First of all, I love the picture! Secondly, I love the closing line about porches with families on them.

  2. This resonates with me, Janet. When I was a kid, we did not have air conditioning. Kids played outside in the dark. After a while when kids returned home they and their parents sat on front porches as long as possible and said hello to other neighbors as they walked by. Memories!


Thank-you for stopping by my porch! I hope you were blessed!