Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dark, Strong and Beautiful

 Ivan Shishkin

They are dark and strong and beautiful
If you look closely you will see
Jagged lines etched into the bark
The hand of time must have its way

I need to be there, now more than ever
Inhaling the scent of ivory spring and aqua-velva
The rush of the wind has not changed its song
Longing and need as keen now as then

The headiness of youth lies in the musky underbrush
But I prefer the passion of maturity and experience
A sapling cannot be impatient and youth cannot have it all
A branch snaps beneath our feet; your arms encircle me

They are dark and strong and beautiful
If I look closely I will see
The jagged lines etched into your bark
Time stops; it cannot always have its way


Margo Roby's Prompt; A place


  1. Youth doesn't have a clue, does it? :-) Seriously, I love your poem. Some things never go away, and only become stronger and even more beautiful with time.
    I chose this painting, too. So glad we were moved by the same image.

  2. It is a gorgeous painting...I may choose to write one more staying right there;))...and no there are a few things youth cannot have the better of;-)

  3. Wonderful poem. Makes me want to take a long walk, which I need.

  4. Anthony, me too! I guess its that time of 'year'.
    Be well:)

  5. You did beautifully with this prompt. I am glad I read yours here, as it reminded me that it is one I definitely want to do! (I really like Margo's site....and her depthful challenges.)

  6. I really enjoy learning from her. She is a great encourager and teacher! I'm so thankful Mike Patrick encouraged me to 'jump in' there.

    I miss his writing, but there, and love that overrides personal desires and achievements! He'll be back.

  7. There is something about this picture, isn't there? Hard to believe Shishkin could paint so realistically something that requires such detail.

    The first stanza of the poem makes me feel like the woods make me feel and your shift from the trees to the other person was startling [in a good way] and then so lovely and right.


  8. Margo, I really want to try a poem where I stay in the cool shade of the rusted spruce...:)

    Thank-you for your thoughts.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!