Monday, December 7, 2020

Glorious Matters of Fact (for Monday morning's mind-reset)

A Monday-morning poem of encouragement
because sometimes the week can look bleak if we don't seek
Faith's Focus first

May the sunrise of the heavens mirror 
The Son-rise of our hearts!

Romans 5:5
And hope does not put us to shame, 
because God's love has been poured out into our hearts 
through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Because of human nature’s shortcomings, we make mistakes 
And often learn the most through what we wish we could erase 
I could not bear to rise and shine knowing the likelihood 
Of brand-new slips and stumbles but for this fact; God is good 

Because the darkness of this world is great, where evil lurks
Where we sometimes forget God's grace and pride ourselves in works
I could not bear the cross of consequence's bitter blight
But for redemption's Absolute, and this fact; God is Light

Because we are His workmanship, we bear a sacred charge 
To honour Him with what He gives, however small or large 
I could not bear to forge ahead without this peace of mind 
No matter how I fail or fall or fumble; God is kind 

Because we cannot know the thoughts and ways of The Most High 
We ought to give more earnest heed to what we want and why 
I could not bear to wear the ‘easy yoke’ of steadfast trust 
If I did not believe without a doubt that; God is just 

Because the spirit is willing but oh, the flesh so weak 
Too often we fall prey to ways we should not think or speak 
I could not bear to face the day knowing that sure enough 
I’ll prove once more my mercy-need but for this; God is love 

© Janet Martin 

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