On some days you pass by
I hardly see you at all
Like a flitting butter-fly
I glance at your Wonderful
With an empty stare
And then I walk away
Blindly unaware
Of you, on some days
On some days you touch me
But I cannot feel a thing
It’s like I am sleeping
In the presence of a King
But I am so glad
You never leave
Faithfully reminding me
Why I believe…..
On some days Your whisper
Widens my eyes
Like a bolt of lightning
Shatters the skies
On some days I feel You
Like a comforting shawl
Why is it on some days
I don’t feel you at all?
Open my eyes
So that I may see
The One who holds life
And eternity
Tune my heart
To sing Your praise
For You're the God of the ages
Not only on some days……….
See the power of positive thinking within you. God bless you.