Last night a little 'burst' of something created havoc in our little village for a few minutes;
before you could blink neighbours were out helping neighbours,
the sound of chain-saws and voices filling the misty, evening air.
My favorite orchard's last plum tree is uprooted plus many laden, broken fruit trees.
My friend lost a huge tree in her yard.
Thankfully, there are no reports of injuries anywhere, only lost trees.
Thankfully, there are no reports of injuries anywhere, only lost trees.
People rally in the valley
When ill weather ruins ‘plan’
Then we gather, sister, brother
Help each other where we can
Listen honey, when it’s sunny
We are apt to soon forget
…take for granted what is planted
‘Neath the footpath that we tread
God in Heaven knows we’re given
Spirits strong and undeterred
If this Dust can learn to trust Him
Troubled waters prove mere word
People rally in the valley
Here the Balm in Gilead grows
Hope beseeches, Mercy reaches
To dark trenches; heaven glows
© Janet Martin
Here is last night's update from Dave's wife...
Hello everyone!
Thankful to report he
had another good day! Thank-you SO much for all the prayers etc. He sat
on the side of the bed for 1 HR and took a few steps! A lot easier
today; not so much pain when they helped him out. His appetite was
better today as well
( it being roast beef for supper maybe helped

Resting nicely right now.
Prayers are being answered!
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice;
he heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me,
I will call on him as long as I live.
Psalm 116:1-2