Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Sweet-Sweet July

Oh, the melody as
July slides its blue-sky bow
over supple strings 

Sweet, sweet July
Of bluest blue
Tints sleepless sea
It draws our feet
To tread a street
Of sun-drenched sand
And wave washed free-
Dom; overhead
Our gaze is spread
With pergola
Of green-leaf glade
That spills a pool
Shady and cool
For book and tea
Or lemonade
As shiver of
Yon poplar grove
Beneath the bow
Of barely-breeze
Quivers where noon
Drips from a spoon
Like honey
To sweet memories
While bloom-bells brim
With bee and velvet
Vim; a hymn
...earth’s ebbing toll
Slips from stoked stems
Like petal-gems
Their weightless weight
Tugs at the soul
Because we know
The ebb and flow
That tunes the tide
Of sweet July
Surges, recedes
A splurge that bleeds
Gold, purple reeds
Into goodbye

© Janet Martin


  1. Thank you for unfolding the glories of July

    1. ...it was a delight that could have unfolded pages, but Duty hailed;-)


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!