Take my hand, dear Lord, I pray
You will never lead astray
In life’s pathways there are two
Let my footsteps follow You
Kindly Shepherd of us all
Hold me so I will not fall
Let my thought and action prove
The indwelling of Your love
Teach my lips to sing Your praise
Through the battle and the blaze
Satisfy my spirit Lord
As I feed upon Your word
Be my glory and my boast
Be the wisdom I crave most
Fix my earth-dimmed gaze to trust
In true Hope beyond this dust
Lift me up when I am weak
Temper every word I speak
Savior, Father, Jesus, Friend
Keep me ‘til my journey’s end
Truly beautiful prayer, Janet.
ReplyDeleteThank-you Mary, For some reason when I woke this morning life looked a little bleak. As I prayed it began to brighten, and something prompted me to type as I prayed and this is what came of it. Isn't it great to know God loves and cares for each of us so very tenderly.