Friday, December 30, 2011
Where Do you Go and How?
New Year's Wish

I'm borrowing my comment to you, but it is my wish for everyone who visits here...
May this year bring
in place of sorrow, healing
In place of tears, laughter
In place of loneliness,
friends and more friends,
In place of despair, hope
In place of the unknown...
...still, the unknown
For how else can we trust?
God Bless you in 2012.
Janet Martin
In Limbo
It’s a tug-of-war of sorts to me
This holding on and letting go
Caught twixt the ache of history
And warm anticipation’s glow
The old year, like a crumpled ball
Of paper, rolls beneath our feet
We hear the bells of midnight toll
A farewell-greeting, bitter-sweet
Within our hearts, within our pen
Memory and expectation blend
Time does not seek applause from men
And it is neither foe nor friend
Ring out the old, ring in the new
Four seasons worth of living wait
For as we bid the old adieu
A virgin Year slips through Time’s gate
Janet Martin
Thursday, December 29, 2011

This photo(source; photo-bucket) is by Clark Little. World renowned Wave Photographer.
Waves are a great metaphor for is, then was.
Time, a majestic wave rolling
over a realm of existence
It is more than a jest twixt sky and sod
Time pulls the sun from the east
hastening it westward
on our journey to timeless eternity
…and God
Time, a stage where man is spectator
to miracles held in
shadows slipping from twilight’s berth
the line of green hemlock
deepening to black
as The Hour draws midnight across
time-structured earth
Time, a vapor on the tip
of eternity's tongue
reminding us that today is the best we can hold
Time, a flickering prelude
to the great beyond
where no one is young
…or old
The New Year always gets me to contemplating this thing called Time
All They Will Ever Be
Listening to music and writing is what I love best!
Maybe that’s all she will ever be
As she strolls across his memory
A picture, a post-card
A letter, a poem
A ‘hello, how are you?’
‘Are you calling from home?’
Maybe that’s all
Yes, maybe that’s all
All she will ever be
Maybe that’s all he will ever be
Someone to keep in her memory
An old tattered poem
In a drawer by her bed
Slow-dance to a song
That plays in her head
Maybe that’s all
Yes, maybe that’s all
All he will ever be
Maybe that’s all they will ever be
As they stroll through each other’s memory
Held in a photo
A whisper, a prayer
Nothing but memories
A-drift on the air
Maybe that’s all
Yes, maybe that’s all
All they will ever be
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Sometime He Thinks I've Forgotten...

Sometimes he thinks I’ve forgotten
Then I tip-toe upstairs and peek in,
He opens his eyes just a tiny bit,
I see an almost-grin,
so I tell him he can’t really sleep
until I re-tuck the blankets
and then I hug him and tell him I love him
and he’s growing so tall
He says I smell like Doritos
and that he loves me too
Sometimes he thinks I’ve forgotten
and maybe I did
forget to tell him I would be home late
and I call him after midnight
He tells me he’s in Chicago
and the traffic is bumper to bumper
but the Cubs won in the 13th inning
and I smile at the other end
and I tell him that I love him
and he says he loves me too
Sometimes He thinks I’ve forgotten
and too often, I confess I do
life pushes past my good intentions
with distractions all dressed up like duty
and sensible reasons why
there will be more time to pray later
then He reminds me it is better to be faithful in little
than to be unfaithful in much
and I bow my head and tell Him I love Him
and He whispers, I love you too
Something New...
(my serious approach)
This year I’m going to start something new
I’m going to spend more time with you
You never complain at my slip-shod excuses
Or leave, though I’ve broken too many promises
You always wait until I find a minute
To pause and piously put you in it
Sometimes I wonder how you still love me
You would have plenty of reasons to leave
But you go on loving in spite of my choices
Though I dash off in reply to other voices
Then, when they are unfaithful or wander too far
I turn to find you and there you are
With your arms wide open to hold me near
You tell me I’m forgiven; brush away my tear
God, help me, I want to start something new
I want to spend more time with You
Starting Something New

Poetics Aside has prompted us to write about a new start...
Come on hon, whaddaya say
Let’s put them ornery misgivin’s away
An’ let’s remember how pure an’ fine
Is this love we cherish like vintage wine
Let’s lay aside work that so easily besets us
An’ be easy-goin’ like them movie-lovers
You can tear off the table cloth iffen you wanna
I would sorta like a new set o’ china
We’ll dance on the ceiling or is it the floor?
You can shout ‘Karummba!’ and break down the door
Whaddaya say hon, wanna give it a whirl
An’ start somethin’ new with a kinda old girl?
A light-hearted approach;))
p.s. too much Beverly hill-billies, maybe?
So Long Ago...

You scrawled your name upon my heart
And nonchalantly took your leave
To you its just forgotten art
But oh, my heart is not a tree
You took without a second thought
A tender vital part of me
I’m sure it’s something you forgot
But oh, my soul is not a tree
You played a round of daisy-love
My final petal said ‘love me’
You must have finished, ‘love me not’
And tossed the bloom beneath the tree…
…then scrawled your name upon my heart
On a surface none can see
To you its long-forgotten art
Scrawled on a long-forgotten tree
Poetry Jam invites us to put on music and write so I chose Moon River and wrote...
(link to song above)
Perfect Poet...
Eat it Slowly ...
(this poem was inspired as I read the poem at the link above)
Eat it slowly,
The poem you read
The book,
Savor the flavor
Don’t gulp it down
Without a second look
Eat it slowly
That full moon night
Just you and him
Soon the moon will slip beneath
Day's yawning brim
Drink it slowly
Purest love from
Little girl or bare-foot boy
Oh, they are so beautiful
Their smiles
A butter-cup of joy
And they want to be loved,
Not with a quick nod or glance
But to hold your hand
Do nothing
But eat life slowly
Laugh and dance
Eat it slowly,
This dish of wonder
This miracle of being; doing
For life is far too quickly over
To rush and gulp it
Without chewing
If you come to a pit just spit it out...and keep chewing slowly,
extracting every bit of flavor from every bite...the key to health and happiness!
Child’s face plastered against an ethereal pane
Dark, hollow eyes follow me everywhere
A haunting plea of misery and pain
A cry, unheeded hangs on stricken air
Of hunger, hopelessness and stark despair
A world of things looms far across the sea
Oblivious to his wail of poverty
Where excess is the fount of discontent
While greed becomes a noose of misery
Across the sea a small child’s hope is spent
A Dizain
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Thoughts Between Sleeping
…does not alter it.
It is in admitting defeat, not in waking…
…that separates the dreamer from the dream.
Truth is not an opinion or an option…It IS
If every snowflake ever that fell
Would symbolize a year in heaven or hell
…it would still in completion be
But the first breath of eternity
If we handled every moment
As though it could be our last
We would not bear the torment
Of a could-have, should-have past
Fat, thin
Short, tall
Lord God
Made us all
To wish for what is not
Is to waste what is
Harsh words are claw-scratches on a tender soul
There is no darkness so fierce, that a spark cannot pierce.
Have you ever watched the twilight move in?
It takes layers of darkness to extinguish light
And one little star to dispel utter darkness
I can't remember all of them, but it seemed like words pressed sleep from my eyes last night, resulting in a series of dozes rather than sound sleep...too much sitting/eating, perhaps?

Her name doth not bespeak her guild
Her countenance of mystery
Maiden, both tender and strong-willed
The fore-runner to history
Just one humble four-letter word
To sum a twelve-month portal
Of grief and healing, joy and hurt
Weaving her gown immortal
We ponder, as we tread upon
The remnant of her garment
Translucent threads from dusk to dawn
To dusk, soon will be dormant
With ardent hope we strain to see
The form of her successor
As this year follows faithfully
Her silent predecessor
And we, with sentimental tear
Murmur a farewell homage
She slips away, another Year
To history’s steadfast visage
Her bosom bears the moment where
We wept our bitter sorrow
Or yielded in a humble prayer
The dread of life’s tomorrow
She carries on her pallid lips
The echo of four seasons
And disappears, into the mist
As midnight tolls her leaving
With her she takes each tick of time
That formed her ethereal being
Away, into archaic climes
No eye beholds her fleeing
For we have turned with song and cheer
To greet a form untarnished
Behold, behold a virgin Year
Waits where the old has vanished
Monday, December 26, 2011
Time's Composition

On autumn’s golden aftermath
December spreads an argent path
Warm trails once green with wanderlust
Lie dead and still in winter’s dusk
And where the song of meadow lark
Once tuned the hour before dark
The wind prevails with solemn moan
A low and moody winter song
Summer’s gentle melancholy
That stirred the midnight willow tree
Has donned a keen and somber note
From winter’s cold and sullen throat
No breeze to softly sigh or taunt
The cool and shaded lover’s haunt
But from the stripped and barren dell
The plaintive tune of winter’s knell
And here we pause to contemplate
The worth of moments we create
As through its kaleidoscope we peer
At patterns layered year on year
Where swiftly fleeting hours transcend
Beyond the visages of men
And winter plays its chilling lay
Then slips to fields of yesterday
Oh, touch the bow to transient strings
And listen to the song it sings
Dance to the music of the hour
For soon the earth reclaims its flower
On autumn’s golden aftermath
The winter sheds its temporal wrath
As Time composes breath by breath
A melody from life to death
Sometimes it seems we mark seasons by the transition of the familiar, and it struck me as I was out on my run today, that I am faithfully seduced by the beauty of every season!
The stretch I run is marked by seasonal beauty and spring the wind laughs,in the summer it sighs, in the autumns it is restless and moody and in the winter it moans...
The End of the Ball
She parts her lips in a paper smile
it is to late to retrieve
so she waves and laughs for a little while
other throats to appease
and at a glance
she appears to have it all
but the keen observer
is not deceived
behind darkened lashes
lies a haunted void
of grief and need
silencing the infamous laugh
as she signs off her debt
Saturday, December 24, 2011
A Christmas Song

Hail the fruit of Mary’s womb
In joyous celebration
Hail the Victor of death’s tomb
With hope’s grand exaltation
For this is He who sent His Son
And gave to us a Christmas song
Hail, the hand that held the nails
So we may be forgiven
Hail this love that never fails
And seals our hope in Heaven
Come gather ‘round and bend your knee
Hail, hail the One who sets men free
Hail, the Seed of mystery
The God who put on flesh
To walk among humanity
And suffer unto death
Lift up your heart and lift your voice
Mankind has reason to rejoice
Hail the King on Heaven’s throne
The Babe whom angels heralded
The Son who passed through Caesar’s stone
Where roman soldiers guarded
Hail Jesus Christ, God’s precious Son
Who gave to us a Christmas song
All over the world our voices unite
To hail the King on this holy night!
A Child's Ecstasy...
'I just have no idea what this could be!'
she says as she peeks under the tree
continuing to explore and shake,
and find the packages with her name
as starlight dances in her gaze
and angels light the smile on her face.
Ho, Ho, Ho;)) I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
A Different Kind of Ecstasy...
prompt; write a poem on ecstasy in 5 minutes...
Ecstasy is…
Understanding your heart when I can’t touch your face…
Or when we are apart, I can still taste your kiss
Ecstasy is…
Tracing the outline of you
Into a poem where wishes come true
Ecstasy is…
Knowing that you feel what I feel
And know what I’m saying when I’ve said nothing at all
Ecstasy is…
Not only in the holding of you, but in the letting go
It is a gift to ache because of love, don't you know?
Ecstasy is…
My pulse quickening beneath your touch
And wishing you wouldn’t be gone so much
And there is a thrill bordering ecstasy to write about it in 5 mins.;)
Friday, December 23, 2011
Bethlehem's Star
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Ode to December

The grapevine o’er the lintel
Has lost its musky fare
The plot that is my garden
Returns an icy stare
The barefoot boy of summer
Sleeps soundly in his bed
Lulled by a song of winter
Through stark trees overhead
The ship waits in the mooring
For screaming gales to pass
No breeze or warm tide luring
From shores of wind-swept grass
On furrowed field of daisy
December woos her mate
Where once the breeze was lazy
And blooms declared love’s fate
No tiny bud or blossom
To clothe the barren limb
Upon earth’s frigid bosom
The little day grows dim
Night draws its cobalt awning
Before daydreams are through
As deeper shades of evening
Transform white plains to blue
The dusty lanes of summer
The long, slow afternoon
Have fled to kinder pastures
Beneath a warmer moon
The sun-drenched haunts of August
Don winter's testing shawl
While on its gleaming canvas
A thousand memories fall
Dance to the song of snow-flakes
And hold your loved ones near
Three seasons worth of toiling
Have traced another year
Dance to the tune of memories
In winter's frigid bliss
For soon her frosty candor
Will melt in Spring's soft kiss
Thoughts on Solitary...
The whole world over
We hold one solitary thing in common
…this moment
The only things ever accomplished were done,
Not in yesterday or tomorrow
But in that solitary gift of today
Only one, only one
Do not waste it away
Only one life
To work and to play
Only one, only one
What a beautiful gift
Tell me my friend
Are you cherishing it?
Only one, only one
Quickly it is done
What will they say of us
When we are gone?
There is a torch for tomorrow
And all generation to come
A solitary Light in our sorrow
The Light that will guide us Home
Few are the things that are changeless
But God sent His precious Son
And now by the light of Jesus love
Safely He’ll guide us Home
How great is the love of the Father
That He sent His own flesh and blood
That all who call upon Him
Will be called the sons of God
Earth has many boasts to offer
But none can compare in worth
To the solitary love of the Father
Who sent His Son to this earth
Praise Him...Jesus is the solitary reason for the season!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
To My Poet Friends...

It’s difficult sometimes to spell in words
The heart of all those thoughts we deeply feel
But I must try, for you have kindly stirred
My soul with honesty and thoughts surreal
Once I assumed a friend is one we meet
Then learn to cherish, love and trust with time
But I have known a friendship, rich and sweet
Nurtured by the magic of a rhyme
A poet’s heart is more than flesh and blood
It sees beyond perimeters of sight
It races at the mention of a word
Defining it within the dead of night
I’ve held you close to me within a pen
Yet felt you tear the longing from my chest
By words that you have woven in a poem
To strike the chord of grief and tenderness
You, my friend, have taught me how to fly
To scoff at fear wielding its scornful threat
You, my friend, have taught me how to cry
And how to dance and twirl and pirouette
Anticipation wakes with me at dawn
It trembles in each moment’s soft embrace
For who can know the poem your whispers spawn
Beneath the touch of lips in cyber-space
It’s difficult sometimes, to spell in words
Thoughts too profound for letters formed in ink
But in night’s deepest quiet I have heard
A tiny glimpse of what you feel and think
So in this Christmas season I extend
A prayer to you for happiness and cheer
Merry Christmas, my dear poet-friends
God bless you now and through the coming year
If you visit this blog faithfully you are a poet at heart
And I want to say thank-you for your love and your time,
For your words of encouragement, for your acceptance of rhyme,
Thank-you for your friendship in blog-sphere
Merry Christmas to you
And a Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Escapade on a Wintery Night
Be mine tonight
We’ll share our coffee
No, let’s make it tea
Fit for royalty
As the moonlight exposes
Tree tops stenciled
In its glow
And we skirt their penciled
Sketches in the snow
A thermos, though not as dainty
As a hand-painted china cup
Keeps our tea piping
Until the sun comes up
And that old cabin
Boarded up for winter
Cannot speak of two wanderers
Or crackling firelight
Or the fantasy of a bear-skin rug
As we inhale its comfort
And understand each other
Without one uttered word
Although we talked all night...
Heaven's Threshold has Red, Chipped Paint

I did not envision heaven’s threshold
With chipped and worn red paint
I always pictured it in gold
It’s vigil by a saint
I thought the stream beside its tread
Would be crystal, sublime
I see a river flow instead
A river known as Time
Across its brink dash children’s feet
With muddy-gilded trace
And mother is the one to greet
To let go, to embrace
I did not envision heaven’s stair
With red paint, chipped and worn
But I have held an angel there
With wing, bruised, tired or torn
And I have seen the face of God
Though I am not a saint
Heaven’s threshold warms earth’s sod
With chipped and worn, red paint
Heaven’s threshold needs paint…
But how do you close off the step
over which every hello and good-bye
to and from home passes…
worn paint on the launching pad to life…
Hollow Eyes

I cannot remember them individually
But collectively still they leap
From rain-drenched screens
Or sudden recollection
Dark and austere
Each rigid gaze
Pointing the dreamer with yellow braids
To the strait and narrow
Countenance is more powerful than speech
Those eyes staring, glaring
Judgment formed by visual discourse
Their peripheral blotted
By statutes of scribbled ink
And fear-riddled intonations
Dissuading wanderers and dreamers
From sure damnation
Look neither left nor right then
Fear clutches the seeker
As loveless eyes extol doom
Discounting grace for works
And blindness as an acceptable plight
If fortified by the law
While the chill of hollow stares
Numbs the soul
Do you see them?...all those faces in the picture.
This picture was posted on one of the prompt sites last week.
I saved it but was unable 'find' its voice or 'eyes' immediately,
yet I felt its tug, powerful and memsmerizing....
A Night of Thoughts

Dare we to venture out into the night?
The twilight deepened many hours ago
Yet, to be entertained by Orion’s light
Is far superior to mans earthbound show
The silence murmurs loud, a thousand thoughts
And as I slip my hand across the years
I feel it reach within my heart of hearts
In sonnets born of laughter, pain and tears
How can we keep this night from fading fast?
Sharply the present wars against the past
The mind contains a broad and boundless stage
Where images of hope and grief implore
Upon its girth our dreams and passions rage
As unedited moments deck the floor
There is no script for longing or remorse
And who can tell which fuels the sudden tear
Thought against thought, a soundless intercourse
Yet all consuming in its faith or fear
Are we together now or worlds apart?
Thought spares no sacred mercy for the heart
Dare we to venture out into the night?
Dare we to vex the laws of solitude?
Will midnight render turmoil or respite?
Is darkness day’s swan-song or dawn’s prelude?
Statistics are a stark, material chart
No Hubble telescope can pierce thoughts shell
Or clarify the measure of the heart
Its secret sorrows it can never tell
Thought cannot don a fraudulent disguise
As God alone beholds its truths; its lies
Against the heartbeat of night's tranquil breast
We lay aside our masks of bravery
While some claim its nocturnal brow to rest
Some revel in its vulnerability
Beyond the skyline or beneath the soil
Thought cannot be restrained by rule or rod
A builder or a scavenger of spoil
It escapes all visage but that of God
And yet in every act that we engage
Thought opens up the curtain to its stage
Monday, December 19, 2011
A Wish Come True...but ever Renewed
I should wish to keep contentment…
…to know it is enough
to have what I am holding
and not what I have sought
I should like to know contentment
is worth more than temporal gold
and clasping you in sentiment
is love’s wondrous way to hold
you close when you are far way
and I should wish to be
contented, here, right now, today
and let tomorrow be
for it will come when it will come
its cares with it will wait
Within the arms of home sweet home
Contentment’s law is sweet
I don’t want to be distracted
By the things I do not have
Or dare to take for-granted, life
With one foot in the grave
And I will be content to simply
Have and hold this moment
To pine for what I do not have
Is foolishness and torment
Merry Christmas, darling
Oh, I know that I’ve been blessed
And may its sweet contentment be
The thing I cherish best
On Finding Contentment

Sunday, December 18, 2011
Life's Deepest Pleasure
Saturday, December 17, 2011
The True Light

We behold Him even now
Though we cannot comprehend
The fullness that His love bestowed
As He put on flesh for men
He put on thus, meek flesh for men
This One that Is, before Time was
Conceived, not of the will of them
But by the holy will of God
And by the holy will of God
He brought true light upon the earth
This true Light remains till now
As testament and Living Word
As testament and Living Word
Full of mercy, hope and grace
Moses law had never heard
A proclamation such as this
A proclamation such as this
Power to become His sons
Cleansed from all unrighteousness
Washed in the blood of heaven’s One
Washed in the blood of heaven’s One
His Light remains to lead the way
Word became flesh, God’s only Son
And we still have His Word today
We still have His word today
Darkness still cannot comprehend
But oh, to those who have believed
He dwells within the heart of them
I was reading John 1 this morning.
One of my favorite passages, not only at Christmas
But forever.
He is the True Light.
I’ve been pondering this True Light since I read Vivinfrance’s poem the other night.
Then Mary wrote about the mother Mary and as I thought of Mary's humility and acceptance of God’s word it convicted me. We have His word still, full of grace and truth and Light. He is the True Light.
Friday, December 16, 2011
(this video sparked the following poem)
The architecture
In the nest of a dove
Is lovely to the spectator
That is in love…
We were lost in blue that day
Blue sky and blue sea
But all I really remember
Were your blue eyes watching me
There was sound all around
But we didn’t hear
As the gondoliers hailed each other
I felt your lips on my ear
And the wind swooping through the canal
Rousing rivulets of desire
As the sun fell, a molten ball
Melting across the water
While we glanced sympathetically
At stragglers on the pier
Lost in books and newspapers
Or envious stares...
The architecture
In the nest of a dove
Is breath-taking
To the spectator in love
We didn’t need Venice
To make us smile
But I think Venice needed us
Just for a little while…
And Here We Dance...

Unwrapping Moments

She watches
Caught between the present
And the past
As her son’s awkward
Attempts at gift-wrapping
Bring laughter from us
And mumbling from him…
As he wraps
She unwraps
Stored sacredly
Where she can ponder them
In her heart
Moments being fashioned
Into memories
Even now
By hands
Caught somewhere between
A boy
And a man…
It’s a tender-sweet stage…13.
The other night I asked him what was so funny
And his instant reply was unexpected…
“mom, guy humor”
And he never did tell me!
The verse below has been one of my favorites, for as long as I can remember..
Our hearts, the place we store our most cherished thoughts.
But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Off the Cuff #3
Focus, she commanded
And tapped my head sharply with her pointer stick
I stared at the numbers blankly
And composed an answer, double-quick
How could I make her understand
My senses were merely blurred
By the alluring, blissful enchantment
Of this beautiful thing called a word?
Off the Cuff #2
Oh, yes they are free
They don’t cost you a dime
All they take from you
Is a small thing known as Time
Oh, yes they are free
This torturous chain
Of consonants and vowels
Life’s most pleasing pain
So if they should taunt
Grab them by their guile
And turn them into
Your personal style
Good Morning...

I feel you pressing into me
With warm translucent sigh
As fingertips, more sensed than seen
Brush slumber from the sky
You do not tap my window pane
Yet I know you are there
Whispering to me in the rain
And softening the air
You rouse me from unconsciousness
And yet you never speak
But kindly tug night’s blanket back
To smile against my cheek
I’ve never seen you quite like this
So I have one request
Before you slip into the mist
Help me to do my best
It is an unseasonably warm and rainy morning.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Slow Dancing to Life's Music
Barefoot and blue jeans
Does it get any better
Favorite music
My old, worn sweater
Little girl slipping
Her hand into mine
I turn to kiss her
But she’s grown up and gone
And the flip-side of loving
Is sweet memories
So I dance to life’s music
In faded blue jeans
As I recall what I love
And what I miss
Oh does it get any better than this?
Five o’clock shadow
Caressing my cheek
Darling, there are no words
Left to speak
Full moon reminding me
Of all that is not
And how much is missing
In all that I’ve got
And waiting is longer
Than than it used to be
But struggle makes us stronger
If love is the key
As hope fills the hollow
Of things that I miss
Oh, does it get any better than this?
Bare feet and blue jeans
Deep blue full moon night
Desire and duty
And dreaming take flight
My head on your shoulder
Your hand finding mine
Let’s slow dance, darling
I know we’ll be fine
For all that we have
Out-weighs what is not
Oh, what a beautiful
Love we have got
As you hold me closer
Dancing is bliss
Oh, does it get any better than this?
To miss is to love...
Beneath the Same, White Moon

Beneath the dark umbrella of night
Silence is amplified
As sound becomes the keener sight
And thought a swift-winged ride
Beneath its wide seamless canopy
As present and past entwine
Thoughts of you keep me company
And oh, your company is fine
Beneath the backdrop of the dawn
Life's imminent history
I wonder where the years have gone
And what is yet to be
Beneath the pining of the dark
As whispers ache and bleed
My thought ignites a sudden spark
And longing becomes need
Beneath the same, still, silent sky
Beneath the same white moon
I wonder where you are tonight
And will you be home soon…
I took the kids out for a final shopping trip last night..
It was special, fun.
The night was glorious and still after excitement was lulled to dreamland
and mother stood on the porch drinking in the night sky(and coffee)...
(there is a reason my blogs contain the word 'porch')
on its step I ponder, reflect, and for me thought bleeds in one medium...poetry;))
thus a short-lived resolve not to write for a while. If the break happens, it happens and if not then it was not meant to be