Wednesday, May 19, 2021

On Yesterday's Tomorrow...

This morning, as I made a reference to tomorrow one little girl in my childcare said,
"But today is tomorrow!'
because she was thinking about how yesterday
I told her tomorrow we would do such-and-such again
(like, eat peanut butter and jam sandwiches ...

...and blow more bubbles)

...and laugh!

God’s universal favor grants to all a brand-new day
It sets a beaming backdrop to bud’s stipule applique

Come; yesterday’s tomorrow perches on dawn’s creamy brink
It rises from time’s ashes like a phoenix, molten pink
Mercy’s unfailing promise in generous pardon rolls
From heaven to earth’s gardens, through the berth of hearts and souls

God’s universal favor grants to all a brand-new day
It sets a beaming backdrop to bud’s stipule applique
And refills what was empty when dusk drew death’s silhouette
Where morn runs rife with life and moments none have ransacked yet

Come; yesterday’s tomorrow cannot keep its posture long
Like a bouquet of blossoms, or the last note in a song
It fades; and trades places with what is yesterday today
Till yesterday’s tomorrow turns tomorrow to today

We cannot return to rewind to relive happiness
Today is all we ever have, my dear, no more nor less
To make the most of moments that fall like gossamer rain
A treasure-laden measure that will never pass again

© Janet Martin

Jesus Christ the same yesterday,
 and to day, and for ever.

Sometimes I feel like the children chasing bubbles
as I chase hours in a day...
pop! and they disappear!

Sometimes break of new day/today
 feels like a chipping sparrow perched on yon eastward fence
singing its heart out!

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