Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Rapt Gaze/Praise

This is the day the Lord has made'
we will rejoice and be glad in it
Psalm 118:24

It's a brisk frost-embossed world this morning...
enough to drive wonder mad!

Granted to you and I, a gift to unwrap with rapt gaze/praise
To rouse replenished worship for mercy’s unwearied ways
Earth and sky like a smorgasbord groaning with beauty’s feast
Reminds us that life is far more than debt to duty’s beast

This is the day the Lord has made; tis by His grace we go
And mankind is never betrayed by He who loves us so
But trustworthy and true He helps us each step of the way
All you and I are called to do is trust Him, and obey

No melancholy mandate this, no grin-and-bear-it grind
For He who keeps His promises is merciful and kind
Where a parade of proofs displayed drives rapt gaze/praise wonder-mad
In this new day the Lord has made to rejoice and be glad

© Janet Martin



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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!