Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday Thoughts~

There is a war
Intense, hid from sight
It is the battle
Twixt wrong and right
Fear the day
Should its conflict cease
As numbed discernment
Brings an illusion of peace

There is a tug-of-war
In love’s two-toned beauty
The urge of desire
And dictation of duty

A long line of laundry
Is a testament
To a long line of love

No man can serve two masters
The servant makes his choice
No words are needed because action
Carries a definite voice

Dream, but only a little
It polishes the mundane
The line is fine twixt little and much
And to dream too much is vain

Dream, but only a little
Don’t let it mess with your head
Lest you stand and stare into the thin air
While someone else butters your bread

Hurry, hurry; don’t be late
And heaven
Do not wait

Spare change
Changes lives

On some days we…
…Live, laugh, love and play
On others we
…Weep, wish, work, pray

This must be my Muse’s queue
A list with many jobs to do

Never yet has darkness set in

He who hath no shadows
Hath no light


Why I Write...

I never can explain it quite
This need, it seems I have, to write…
But paper is a patient ear
No words are writ, it will not hear
It never assumes what is not
But simply listens to my thought
Here life's pleasures and sorrows spill
In whispers from a poet’s quill

I write to preserve moments past
Knowing ink’s measure will outlast
This transient, ephemeral shell
I write, for there is much to tell
But time is short and listeners rare
And spoken word is soon dead air
Thus I must write; a diary
Of thought engraved in poetry

I write because I love to read
To feel the passion mortal’s bleed
To thrill beneath their ageless thought
The mark of quill on parchment wrought
Of Tennyson, Longfellow, Frost
And countless throngs of voices lost
Had they not taken time to bare
With ink, the thoughts they longed to share

Tis no small thing to hold a pen
And spill heart-linings out to men
Of hope, of longing; these we summon
For mankind has this much in common
And with the written word we trace
The heartbeat of the human race
Manifested on a stage
In filament of ink and page

Tis no small thing; reaching to God
Seeking Him within my thought
Tis no small thing to contemplate
What to write; what to erase
…to paint in whispered ethereal art
Upon canvases of the heart
An earnest, resolute vocation
Generation to generation

…and so I write, not to become
A famous author, world-renowned
I write to touch the low-flung cloud
Or lonely souls lost in life’s crowd
I write; for it seems I cannot
Quell the vast ocean in my thought
And I am glad, so glad indeed
That others write, so I can read

© Janet Martin

My Homework for Writer's Unite is done!
Assignment: 200-300 words on Why I Write

Word Count;300 (phew!)

What are you doing? hubby asked a few nights ago when he called
I'm reading Treasure Valley, I replied. It was written in 1908 by Canadian author, Marian Keith.
Thank-you Marian,(although you were gone before I was born) for writing and sharing your beautiful, timeless perspective.

The Mind of a Poem

They tell me how I should write them
The rules to rhythm and rhyme
But they fall from my quill
By their own free will
Regardless of meter and time

They tell me how I should form them
Can I shape a river’s fray?
For a poet’s need
Is to sit down and bleed
Let the drops fall where they may

They tell me how I should mold them
But rules never could sway a poem
In the still of the night
As I sit here and write
Words have a mind of their own

© Janet Martin

In Those Moments

In those moments
When I’m tempted
To reach far into the past
And retrieve
A fancied fortune
From its archives, iron-cast
In those moments,
Though I’m tempted
I embrace the melody
Of the sweet
And fleeting present
Flowing into memory
...and though I’m tempted
In those moments
I release its aching grasp
Lest I miss
The precious present
Because I was looking back


Today, as I was waiting in a check-out line we o-o-o-h-ed and a-a-a-h-ed over a new-born baby, and for a brief moment I was drenched in longing as I watched the ecstatic first-time mother….next week it will be twenty years since I was a first-time Mother; a mere flash, really. That is why I determine to live in the now!


Gently it ripples, softly it is slipping
Green tide adorning earth’s fallow and slope
Out to the lips of cerulean grinning
A perimeter man cannot follow or grope

Where is the skyline that seals our visage?
Earth rushes out to brush azure-blue shores
Man rushes forward but we cannot touch it
Elusive allurement to ethereal doors

Wilderness, frontier, mountain or ocean
Grazes the furrow twixt seeing and faith
Gently it ripples; our thought and emotion
Tracing the edge of its blue, mystic wraith

Gossamer ribbon of infinite measure
We cannot race through its translucent seal
Nor stroll the breadth of its line at our leisure
And yet we know, the horizon is real is, isn't it?

© Janet Martin

Horizons...the proof of faith.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dave

Tonight when you look up to the sky, bro
And think of the years that have flown
Will there be a tear in your eye, bro
As you ponder the course of the sun?

…and tonight when you hear twilight’s sonnet
Quiver in the deepening west
Will you pause to remember life’s losses
Or how you have been richly blessed?

Tonight when you gaze at the stars, bro
Will you feel infinitely small?

And wonder that He who paints skies, bro

Tonight when you contemplate time, bro
Where will your musing dwell?
For you’ve known some up-hill climbs, bro
Disappointment; you know it well…

…but life is a canvas of mystery, bro
And God is a faithful Friend
As this year slips into history, bro
Do you wonder what waits ‘round the bend?

And tonight when you look at the sky, bro
Recalling the years that have passed
Will the only thing you really know
Be this? Life goes by way too fast

© Janet Martin

Happy 47th Birthday, Dave…from one sky-lover to another…Enjoy!

Here is a teeny glimpse of my sky-shot collection:)

This is the time-frame where I always think of mom and wonder how she did it! My brother Stuart turned 45 on May 28th, Dave turns 47 today, I turn 46 next week and the following week my sister (the oldest child in our family) turns 48...!!! and as you can see in the previous post, Mom is still going strong!...after raising 10 children...after the first four she had 3  girls and then 3 boys!!! I remember we begged her (as if she ordered us from a catalog or something, to PL-E-E-E-ASE have a set of twins to complete our family...didn't happen:)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

When things return to 'Normal'...

Mom giving Salome one of her favorite drinks...Ginger-ale. She cannot talk but her body language and gulping say it all!

‘Normal’ does not hover in tomorrow
Nor does it reside in the past
It is not a sweet, coveted hour
Waiting in regions dim and vast

‘Normal’ is not a state or condition
It carries no guarantee
It does not linger on pining or wishing
When this day is history

But ‘normal’ is the bloom we are holding
The moment that meets our gaze
For even now this ‘normal’ is folding
Into planted yesterdays

Who knows the nature of tomorrow’s ‘normal’?
Will its filament be leaden or gold?
And will we wish as we reminisce
For the ‘normal’ that now we hold?

© Janet Martin

How often do we find ourselves thinking 'when things return to normal'?  The other day I used this line when I was talking to my mother...When they brought dear Aunt Salome (in above photo) to their home- the Dr. said it was  'so she could spend her last days with loved ones in a non-hospital environment'. That happened almost four years ago. Salome is thriving beneath tender, loving care in spite of  Down's Syndrome, advanced Alzheimer's and complete physical inability; the DR. says her heart is strong. Salome turns 57 in a few weeks. I mentioned to Mom that 'someday when things return to 'normal', and she asked me to read the quote on her fridge. Its a reminder that 'the 'normals in life are now, for we cannot know what tomorrow's normals may be'. I have been thinking a lot about that...

Salome and her care-giver's are the inspiration in this article...Angels Among Us

You Love Us...

Jason  Gray: Remind Me Who I Am

You who breathed the universe
On vast infinity
Celestial bodies You disperse
In awesome majesty
You who designs fragile bloom
And rides upon the gale
You who conquered mortal doom
And rent the temple’s veil
You love us…

You who sees the sparrow fall
Who walks upon the sea
You, most Holy all in all
Died for humanity
Who paints the glory on the sky
The dawn, the dusk, the dark
Who heeds man’s faintest, humble cry
And gives wee faith its spark
You love us…

You love us, sure, steadfast promise
We cannot comprehend
The fullness of its height and depth
A love that has no end
No time or thing can separate us
From His faithful hand
Through darkest hours He carries us
Though we don’t understand
For He loves us
Forever and ever

© Janet Martin

neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us
from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.Romans 8:39