Monday, April 15, 2024

(Because) We Never Know From Day to Day...

Job 14:1-2
Man, who is born of woman,
is short of days and full of trouble.
Like a flower, he comes forth, then withers away;
like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure.

We are a community in mourning
after a tragic traffic accident

Death has a way of re-reminding us 
to look our beloved families, neighbors and friends in the eye
and love them like we were on borrowed time!

We never know from day to day what will unfold of joy or grief
Life grants no guarantees but one; death an ineludible Chief
'Man born of woman’s, days are few and full of trouble', we are told
We never know who will be next to slip beyond our feeble hold
The best that we can do is live and love as if today could be
The day of lasts before we step from time into eternity

We never know when joys we often take for granted will conclude
How kinder we would be, how gentler, humbler our attitude/gratitude
The best that we can do is trust the Giver as the Taker too
And not demand an explanation when a numbered day comes due
The best that we can do is make the most of Opportunity
Because we never know from day to day, what waits to be

© Janet Martin

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Thank-you for stopping by my porch! I hope you were blessed!