Sunday, September 29, 2024

Faith's Final Resting Place

Precious in the sight of the LORD
 Is the death of His saints.

This poem was inspired by a message from a friend,
on the morning of Lucy's funeral
This friend has suffered/suffers the grief of losing a sister as well as her husband.
“Watching a dear sister being laid in her final resting place
 is exceedingly painful', she said,  'but God is there”

Through our 'growing up years', our wise dad would remind us to live
in the good times in a way to prepare us for the bad times.
Learn scripture in the good times
to cling to in the bad times.
Love your Lord in the good times,
fellowship with Him
so He is no stranger in the bad times ..

The song below became very precious to me in the spring
also due to a tragic accident.

I have listened to it countless times and cherish the lyrics so much! 

Faith’s final resting place, no sweeter grief to brave
Than the death of a saint whose soul returns to God who gave
Where we who still hold fast still wonder at the scene
That greets faith’s gaze at last without a dark glass in between
Where worship’s hallelujah flows unmarred by care
Of toil and trouble’s mortal woes, we who remain yet bear

Faith’s final resting place, no richer recompense
As man’s salvation, by God’s grace gains faith’s inheritance
Bought with the blood of Christ, the promise we received
From the Lamb of God sacrificed, the hour we believed
And then, what comfort sweet, attends the grieving soul
In death the price of death’s defeat reveals faith’s Sacred Whole

Faith’s final resting place lies not beneath cold sod
But in love's beautiful embrace and faithfulness of God
For, precious in His sight is the death of a saint
Therefore though we mourn we will fight the Good Fight and not faint
As we hope in the Lord; His Word sustains the flight
Until the final resting place as faith is turned to sight

Janet Martin

2 Tim.4:7
I have fought the good fight,
 I have finished the race,
 I have kept the faith.

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