Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Of Mostly Innocence and Curls...(or In the Training of our Smallest Soul-diers)

Lately conversation sometimes turns to those not so cute moments 
that the cutest among us can 'throw'!
It takes a lot of patience, prayer and time to train our little Soul-diers!
(the classes that create wise moms and dads are not without pain
and humbling that comes through stumbling)

 Mr Mostly-Innocence-and-curls has no idea 
how the 'news' on the board beside him will impact his life😀

How vital this command;  
Train up a child in the way he should go: 
and when he is old, he will not depart from it
(Photos by Emily Curry, Mr. Mostly Innocent's mom)

Once we were all small boys and girls
And mostly-innocence-and-curls
But, then the signs began to show
When comprehending the word ‘no’

Soft as the lilt of leaf that swirls
Grows mostly-innocence-and-curls
Til mom and daddy feel the tug
…ah, baby needs more than just ‘hug’

What test-of-will shrill shriek unfurls
From mostly-innocence-and-curls
And what great negligence is wrought
If  Little Child is left untaught

More precious than diamonds and pearls
Is mostly-innocence-and-curls
The treasure of love’s sigh and pain
So worth each try and try-again

For love cherishes boys and girls
Of mostly-innocence-and-curls
It takes the time to reprimand
And train the mind that moves the hand

So when it seems so hard to do
And patience needs another ‘you’
Remember soon time's hand un-twirls
The innocence from mostly-curls

© Janet Martin


  1. Such lovely photographs, and I enjoyed your poem.

    All the best Jan

  2. Yay! Great news :) It's not going to be easy with such a young big brother.. Brace yourself, Grandma!
    Lovely poem, Janet.

    1. ;-)thank-you Sasha! exciting times! and thank God we only need to do life/love one day at a time!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!