Monday, June 26, 2023

I Linger For a Reason...

'This is the last time for this', said a girl in my Grade 6 Sunday School class yesterday, slowly running fingers over the back of the chairs around the table. (our summer kid's programs at church are run  a bit differently and in September she will be graduated from the grade 1-6 format) Her sentimentalism tugged at my heart as I replied, 'oh my dear, get used to saying that, because everything in life is but a little season..." This girl also used to be in my childcare so I have an extra-motherly place in my heart for herđź’–

Yesterday I sent the link below, from ten years ago
 to my daughters after someone happened across it,
reminding me of poems long forgotten....
the thoughts still as relevant now as then, 
just with different 'pictures' attached

These two incidences are part of what inspired this poem
as well as tugging the tomato cages from peony-past bushes 
to take to the vegetable garden to try
to squeeze overgrown tomato plants into...
(sometimes trying to be thrifty/frugal has its challenges!!)

Some gardening-lingering...

some supper-lingering

some between-task lingering...
I linger where the vibrant vistas of first summer sweep

I loiter in the arbor draped with mauve wisteria plume...

(it was a delicious sunshine and thunderstorm day!!)

I linger for a reason, where the flower bower brims
Where the new day is breaking and where ebbing daylight dims
I linger in the laughter and the chatter of a child
Beneath the dappled rafter of leaf-song, wind-tossed and wild

I loiter in the arbor draped with mauve wisteria plume
And girded with the regal stance of hollyhocks in bloom
I linger where the vibrant vistas of first summer sweep
And at the cradle where the little baby lies asleep

I linger where raindrops tap-dance and where the thunder rolls
And laneway rivers eddy into divots, dips and holes
And where the colors of the world spin on a carousel
Of winter, spring, summer and fall in breath-stealing farewell  

I linger where the fledgling cheeps and spreads its wings to fly
And at the window framing scenes that roll beneath the sky
And in a doorway torn between looking back and ahead
Caught off guard by impressions of a life loosed from its thread rooms where echoes waft where noise and messes used to be
where mother lost her patience with her precious company
after tripping over shoes left where she now lingers, oh
and traces fingers over places primed with letting go

I linger where the robin sings and where the finches flit
I linger in the garden for the dear, sheer joy of it
Where bare feet dash and flash through green pastures of innocence
Into the rude awakening of choice and recompense 

I linger, just to love the touch and feel of here and now
To sense the glove of Father's Time's hand brush across my brow
I linger for a reason that is ruthless in its art
Where 'everything a season' steals small pieces of my heart 

Janet Martin

I linger where raindrops tap-dance and where the thunder rolls
And laneway rivers eddy into divots, dips and holes...


  1. Your gardens are so vast! Obviously they thrive on the rain, and I imagine they feel your love and appreciation, too. You notice a lot, and soak it up, and it flows out in your words.

    1. my garden this year is a special treat because our neighboring farmer offered me a fresh plot of soil so my old garden plot can rest for a year or two! The plot I am using was pasture land for many year so the soil is rich with 'natural fertilizer' ! SO much beauty to behold thanks to our awesome Creator!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!