Thursday, January 19, 2023

Rekindled Delight


Across a landscape ethereal
And not yet tamed by time
To journeymen of syllable
Unfurls a world of rhyme
And stars that poets climb

Sometimes knowledge alone is cursed
And deaf to the wild sound
That plagues the lowly bard with thirst
For wisdom not yet found
And lyrics still unbound

How ephemeral is the gate
That swings softly ajar
To usher through glimmers that bait
Poems that not yet are
Save in one fallen star

…snared on a shimmer of surprise
To thwart the stinging bite
Of words cut down to arrow size
To spur the songsters flight
In rekindled delight

The bull's eye of a poet's heart
Weathers many-a-test
Long suffering is worth the art 
And hunger worth the quest
Of sorrow at its best

© Janet Martin

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!