Tuesday, April 12, 2022

April Aria

Thy fronds that spill in daffodil...

Last year the daffodils were in full bloom...

this year's much cooler April has mustered a few brave shoots

thy ponds, a turquoise jewel

Ah, let me count the ways I love thee, April afternoon
Thy undulating clouds above me, earth's bestirring boon...

(Sunday afternoon showcased a strange ring around the sun)

Ah, let me count the ways I love thee, April afternoon
Thy undulating clouds above me, earth's bestirring boon
Where bulb and bud and muddy garden fuel flower-dreams
With autographs of winter's pardon bursting at thy seams

Goldfinch, a dapper fellow in his new yellow physique 
Thy warmer windsong tuning willow-cellos by the creek
And laughter, glorious laughter after winter wends away 
Ripples to heaven's rafter with a happy hip-hooray

Thy blue and bronze, thy timid green, thy moody ebb and flow
Like love, when it is torn between holding and letting go 
Like life, where though sunshine is sweet a little rain must fall
Like ten-thousand tap-dancer's feet at earth's coming-out ball 

Thy newborn lamb, thy cooing dove, thy wooing wink and grin 
Ah, let me count the ways I love the way you kiss my skin
And let me leave my sweater on the chair beside my book
While you and I together wander by the winding brook 

...to look for mint and marigold emerging in the silt 
To watch Mother Nature unfold earth's blanket like a quilt
To listen to the swishing of her brisk and busy broom
Teasing the people fishing beneath thy leaf-threaded loom

Ah, let me count the ways that thrill; thy temp'ramental duel  
Thy fronds that spill in daffodil, thy ponds, a turquoise jewel
Thy orchestras that trill and fill dawn's dark with joy renewed
The way you stay the course until winter's chill is subdued
Thy sense of baited breath before the curtain-rise; the cheers
That thunder where we waited; from death's guise life reappears 
Thy mission undeterred by Old Man Winter's farewell flings
I love the way the heart is stirred; hope sings and sings and sings 

   © Janet Martin

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!