Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Ebb and Flow of High and Low

Waiting for pipe inspection😐
So in case you think you are having a bad day,
you could be the guy who will need to slip-slide into the septic-tank hole
to do the inspection and possibly change a pipe! 
While it was a much needed rain we received it certainly
made this task miserable!
and, oh my stars!! what a mess!
 We never know what a week will bring and it's good we don't, right?!
While this is simply trouble (not trial) it can still feel messy.
NOTHING quite gets one's attention like the gurgling sink
and toilet that says 'septic tank is full'
I am so thankful it is not mid-winter!
Because this chore was on our to-do list last fall
 but Jim never had a free week-end to tackle it.

So thankful Jim just returned from the load we were so disappointed he had to do on Sunday
(because of another driver's truck breakdown)
But, if he hadn't done it he would have been nowhere near home on a Tuesday!
So much to be thankful for in spite of...

managed to salvage some mint-tea before the plot was obliterated

Life, as so eloquently stated in this line from 
The Song in the Green Thorn Tree by James Barke
Book 2 in the life of the poet Robert Burns

Where faith and fear do battle for the Whole
Where hope and dread in constant conflict vie
Where Joy ignites an anthem in the soul
Where certain sorrow waits with its reply
Where ebb and flow of high and low tide sweeps
Across a shoreline where man laughs and weeps

Where bud loom weaves the bloom that sheds its leaves
Where holding sires the pain of letting go
Where hello and farewell delights and grieves
Where what tomorrow brings we never know
Where heaven nurtures earth with rain and sun
Where from first breath at birth death has begun

Where strength and weakness always coexist
Where boast is but the means to tend to need
Where what we see is never all there is
Where who knows what an ending will precede
Where what we thought we knew often defies
The subject privy to life’s lows and highs

Where God is always, always over all
Where He will never leave us or forsake
Where waves of circumstances rise and fall
Where His promise no high or low can break
Where He abides through mileage bright or dim
Where we are on life’s passage back to Him

Where we, if we are wise will start to see
With speech dumbfounded in our meek surprise
The wonder of ‘not I, but Christ in me’
Where without Him our vessel would capsize
Where ebb and flow of high and low soft-draw
The passenger of time across its law

© Janet Martin

John 16:33
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. 
In this world you will have trouble.
 But take heart! 
I have overcome the world.

Alternative title for this poem could be
Ebb and Flow, Pardon the Pun😊😉


  1. Oh Janet. Your words are always so heart-soothing and real (and thusly - encouraging!) What a mess in the garden, but I imagine when the lid was discovered it was a like a treasure found. Carry on well, friend. "Where without Him our vessel would capsize ..." is perfect, as is the scripture! ♥

    1. yes it was like a treasure that kept growing and growing!! We didn't remember how large it was and part of the deck was built over it:-/ No one can sympathize quite like the one who has experienced water-woes so I feel your whole-hearted sympathy! thank-you for your kind encouragement.My sister called last night and when I told her what was happening she said, Oh, you have my full sympathy because right now her yard is a dirt heap after plumbing/weeping-bed woes! whatever we are goint through is like a preparation/training for Something, isn't it?!


Thank-you for your visit and shared thoughts! I hope you were blessed, encouraged, challenged and cheered, where all in this together, we press toward the Goal<3