Thursday, April 8, 2021

Longing For What Seems Lost (a Covid-Weary Canadian's Nostalgic Lament)

I had no idea just how precious the ordinary was
before everything changed!

How beautiful the cleated feet of players, baseball-proud
How wonderful are words like, ‘could I have a refill, please?’
How lovely to be buffeted by elbows in a crowd
Ah, what a neon masterpiece, flashing ‘no vacancies’

How perfect is the planter, pruner, picker’s glistening brow
How handsome are the calloused, blistered hands of honest toil
How holy is the ground we trample and the heads we bow
As mourners merge around a grave where death collects its spoil

How utterly breath-taking is a church-house with packed pews
How hearty the handshaking, back-slaps, hug-comradery
How sacred is the gathering where worship pours its dues
How gorgeous is a dinner table set for company

How priceless is the freedom to come and go as we please
How pretty are your eyes, nose, mouth, wrinkles and double-chin
How nice, the music some call noise, that comes with families
Because we’re running late and someone’s patience has grown thin

Oh, lucky you in the parade behind stop-go school bus
(It never crossed our minds, how precious was the commonplace)
To think that in those dear old days we used to fume and fuss
Before we grew accustomed to people with half-a-face

How precious are the plans for proms, performances, menus
A wedding guest list open for 'all welcome to attend'
A kitchen full of giggling girls, reasons to buy new shoes
A dinner-reservation for a birthday for a friend

No deafening applause now, for goals scored in overtime
How hesitant the glance across the six-foot ‘safety-zone’
How stiff the shoppers move to keep their steps between the line
How foreign feels the world where fear has made its presence known

How beautiful, the bustle of a busy workaday
How wonderful are words that come from smiles seen and not guessed
How lovely to be to planning a much-needed getaway
How good to be reminded to count the ways we are blessed

© Janet Martin

Of Stumbling Block or Stepping stone...

For today's prompt, write a metaphor poem. 
A simile is when something is like a something else (example: I am like a tree);
 a metaphor is when something is something else (example: I am a tree). 
So take a moment to consider possible metaphors and then poem them out.

Not quite the metaphor poem I was going for, but this is who it 'fell'

Which one are we?

We take up such a teeny spot
But what a sacred role we’ve got
For by our acts, we will be known
As stumbling block or steppingstone

We may not notice at first glance
While caught up in the circumstance
How composite of skin and bone
Is stumbling block or stepping stone

For we all have a part to play
Life is far more than day-to-day
It is a footpath that we hone
With stumbling block or stepping stone

We feed the flame of fear or hope
Rock solid ground, or slippery slope
We, with the grit of pray or groan
Are stumbling block or stepping stone

Do we indulge an idle mind
Or strive to be useful and kind?
Where little feet wait to be shown
By stumbling block or stepping stone

Such a short time, we take our place
In a long line of human race
Where act-and-react sets the tone
Of stumbling block or stepping stone

© Janet Martin

Let us not therefore judge one another any more: 
but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock 
or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.
Romans 14:13

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Delight and Disappointment's Crown

...the sun rises,
doles out its daily dose of delight...

then tucks another page of time to the archives..

Delight and disappointment
Compose life’s harmony
Where love’s perfect contentment
Mingles with misery
Where trying could mean flying
Or face-plant in the dirt
Where holding means untying
Those heartstrings where they hurt

Where life is always teaching
More than seen at first glance
Where hope is always reaching
Beyond the circumstance
Perpetual estrangement
Of moments, echo spun
A rose and thorn arrangement
Shadows cast by the sun

A bittersweet concoction
Of dazzling dreams and shards
A motley interaction
With brutes, beggars and bards
Where prayer is never nothing
So prayer, dear comrade, pray
For there is always something
To learn along the way

Delight and disappointment
Seem to go hand in hand
One thrills us with enjoyment
One tests creature demand
But somehow as we weather
Dismay and happiness
The two of them together
Crown us with thankfulness

© Janet Martin

Battle Cry For Faith Warriors...

"His divine power has given us everything we need 
for a godly life through our knowledge of him 
who called us by his own glory and goodness."

For now we see through a glass, darkly;
 but then face to face:
1 Cor.13:12

The cloud of the Lord was over the tabernacle by day,
and fire was in the cloud by night, 
in the sight of all the Israelites during all their travels.
Exodus 40:38

Though we do not have a visible pillar of cloud by day
or pillar of fire by night, believers have the Holy Spirit, indwelling them,
'his divine power giving us everything we need for a godly life'.
He is as present as a pillar of cloud and fire!
Though feelings may ebb and flow and understanding falters
it is not what we feel that counts, but what we know!

Fernando Ortega

Get thee behind me satan,
Sire of doubt-fear-lies
Of scorn, prideful and blatant
Of wolf in sheep-disguise

Faith fixes its survival
On what it cannot see
It fights life’s brutal battles
With bowed head and bent knee

It does not ask for reason
Or evidence or proof
But trusts God through each season
His Way IS Life and Truth

Get thee behind me, satan
You evil, hateful foe
Faith is a firm foundation
In God, who loves us so

© Janet Martin

This poem also works into today's prompt at Poetics Aside

 PAD Challenge day 7: For today's prompt, write a villain poem.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Elemental Metamorphosis

PAD Challenge day 6: For this Two-for-Tuesday prompt:
Write a change poem and/or...
Write a don't change poem.

The gold-etched puddle caught my eye this morning providing
the springboard to today's poem-prompt!


Gold etches remnant sketches of gray’s shattered aftermath
It gilds the place of tears to cheer the pilgrim on life’s path
From what we cannot change to what we can; where young and old
Are at the mercy of the Hand that begilds gray with gold

What is soon changes; elemental metamorphosis
Father Time soon estranges us from everything that is
So, before we begin to fret about all that is not
We’d better take a better look at all the good we’ve got

Because before we know it, we will look back on today
Change is on the horizon brimming with both gold and gray
Where for better or worse is always never very far
And change is often taking place exactly where we are

© Janet Martin

Change is on the horizon brimming with both gold and gray...


...and points in between...

Monday, April 5, 2021

The First Step Toward Happiness

For today's prompt, take the phrase "The First (blank),"
replace the blank with a word or phrase, 
make the new phrase the title of your poem, 
and then, write your poem.

The first step toward happiness is, Love the Lord, Your God
The second follows on its heels with cup of coffee laud
and tea parties with friends and neighbours!!! 
Oops, until reason's rhyme
Decided get-togethers 
was akin to deadly crime
(but getting high on cannabis is A-okay as long
as there's six-feet of outdoor space 
between what's right and wrong) 

okay, let's start over, I got a bit off track, sigh...

The first step toward happiness is, 'do not hold a grudge'
The second follows on its heels with 'let God be the Judge'
(But never mind His Word designed to have the final say
That will not fade even when heavens and earth pass away)

Oh dear! One more try!!!

The first step toward happiness is, to put on a smile
The next is not a second step but rather, second mile
For when we help our fellowman we find, to our surprise
That loving one another is where true happiness lies!

© Janet Martin

Yes!! That's what I was trying for!

Grand-sonny puts on the BEST smiles...

His sister is a bit more camera-shy

To Become a Champion

PAD Challenge day 4: For today's prompt, write an active poem.

I can still hear my mom and gramma encouraging us 
when we were children and ready to quit,
 'deah veah ohaldt, winned'. 
Translation from Pennsylvania Dutch,..
 'the one who keeps on wins!'

Jordan Spieth is living proof!
The one thing he did not do was quit!
'sometimes I shot balls till my hands bled
and nothing seemed to help' said
Jordan Spieth in an interview 

Anyone who follows golf is surely celebrating and rejoicing
with Jordan Spieth, after yesterday's triumph at the Valero Texas Open
  ended a four year victory-drought; his first win in 83 starts!!

Eagle, birdie, bogie, par
What a lot of ways there are
To test confidence and grit
Suffer long and do not quit

Grimace, grumble, grapple, grin
Take a few knocks on the chin
Weep, pray, rant, rave if you must
Slam your club into the dust

Weather heat and wind and rain
Take a deep breath, try again
Perfect drive or bunker-shot
Sometimes high-five, sometimes…not

Sometimes fairway, sometimes rough
Sometimes ace and sometimes duff
There is no way to win but
To keep on with drive-chip-putt

If you want the winner’s cup
Do not, oh, do not give up
This is the only way, son
To become a champion

© Janet Martin

Love Language of God

PAD Challenge day 3. For today's prompt, write a communication poem.

We in Ontario are just on the verge
of bursting into first glorious green!
Meanwhile....(enjoying our neighbour's puppies)

You burst forth, glorious and green
To both pious and libertine
Your showers fall to tame earth’s dust

Your buds unfetter Beauty’s fleur
Whether gaper is rich or poor
Your sunshine is so warm and sweet
On every shape-shade of bare feet

Your puppies, mischief-cute and soft
Your woodland fair where zephyrs waft
Your sense of Something wonder-wild
Your laughter of unbundled child  

Your brook and bird warble unfurled
In kindred hymns around the world
Convince this bard without a word
Spring is the love language of God

© Janet Martin