Monday, October 14, 2024

Thankful (to God For All Eternity)

Therefore by Him (Jesus) 
let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, 
that is, the fruit of our lips, [d]
giving thanks to His name.

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Day!
Above all I am thankful for the precious promises
from God for us!
Yesterday morning's Sunday School lesson included these verses
Also included in the links in the poem below

God is not human, that he should lie,
    not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
    Does he promise and not fulfill?

1 Cor.1:9
 God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship 
with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

 For chickens scratching in the yard...

For dawn, pretty as a postcard...

For fresh brewed cuppa joe or tea...

For autumn’s awe-evoking hues;...

For gardens, bent with granted spoil...

For health and strength to tend its Toil...

For gourd-shaped miracles we glean...

Then turn into supper cuisine...

For chickens scratching in the yard
For dawn, pretty as a postcard
Perched on earth’s eastward window ledge
Man's witness to God's honored pledge

For glimpses of God through a glass
For ways we are able to cope
Because of one little word, ‘Hope

For seasons, as they grin and groan
Through carriages of skin and bone
For oceanic undertows
As joy and sorrow ebbs and flows

For fresh brewed cuppa joe or tea
For love of friends and family
For faith’s unrivaled happiness

For utter grief, because of love
For knowing God is strong enough

By what we see rather than know

For autumn’s awe-evoking hues;
Crimsons, yellows, bronze, greens and blues
Cheering the crooks where petals fell
In summer-long songs of farewell

For book-comrade’s fine company
Acquainting likes of you and me
With fellow-compadres, long gone
Yet, through ink-legacies, live on

For gardens, bent with granted spoil
For health and strength to tend its Toil
For gourd-shaped miracles we glean
And turn into supper cuisine

For so much beauty to behold
For wonder’s worship, bona fide
For tots who slow oft hurried stride

For bliss of heartthrob, humbly stirred
By gifts of butterfly-bloom-bird
By treetops tossing glossy manes
Not yet undone by autumn rains 

For heartfelt hugs as love's tears fall
For firm handshakes that say is all 
For peace beyond description's pow'r
God reserves for grief's rawest hour  

For comfort from handwritten art
Notes and verses to cheer the heart
And splash the sunshine of God's smiles
Through people to brighten dark miles 
While The Foolish, who deny God
Throng thoroughfares, in vain pursuit
Of this world’s unfulfilling fruit

For the kinship of Common Task
For food to eat and clothes to wear
And hands to hold/fold in thankful prayer

For all the ‘laugh lines’ that we earn
In the classroom of live-and-learn

As faith’s cornucopia brims

Holds Hope’s storm-battered bark secure
By Sight, no longer darkly glassed

Then face to face we will adore
As all we wondered at before
To God, for all eternity

© Janet Martin

For bliss of heartthrob, humbly stirred
By gifts of butterfly-bloom-bird...

For comfort from handwritten art
Notes and verses to cheer the heart
And splash the sunshine of God's smiles
Through people to brighten dark miles 

Just a few of a myriad of 'heart art' 💖🙏
(and to think that not so long ago I thought it was 'just a card'!!)
I'm so sorry for all the 'just a card's I never sent!

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!