Thursday, October 10, 2024

Plea For Perseverance

To list all the ways today's poem was inspired, is difficult to encapsulate...
But it is a corralling of wonder wakened while pondering Heb.11 &12:1&2
By the showering of love, of sympathy,
from so many caring people, 
of comfort and encouragement shared from God's Word,
By devotions penned for such a time as this...

By the indescribable joy in sorrow 
through the Presence of peace God has promised if/as we trust Him,
through both the physical and spiritual storms and battles of faith/life! 

Let me not balk against faith’s test that I would never choose
Let me not fear what God deems best, nor His request refuse
Behold faith’s cloud of witnesses still surrounds you and me
The riches of God’s promises worth every wait-and-see

Let me not wallow in the why that tries the ties of love
But rather winnow my reply till worship is enough
As faith is drawn from shallows to the deeps of grief and loss
Let me be wholly hallowed by the power of the cross

Though the threshing fork pains me, may it drive away the chaff
Till only God sustains me, as I lean upon hope’s staff
For he who suffered in my stead, the uttermost of Grief
Will accomplish all He has said; ‘Lord, help mine unbelief’

For you have borne the bitter blows that prove who we most love
You grant the test faith undergoes to expose lack thereof
Then, help me not to falter beneath full surrender’s price
But let love be an altar laid with living sacrifice

Willing to suffer present loss for joy waiting to be
Counting it joy to bear the cross to faith’s maturity
Obedient, till Death’s Last Strife, that draws ajar the Door
That leads to everlasting life and joy forevermore

© Janet Martin

James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,
 whenever you face trials of many kinds,
3 because you know that the testing of your faith 
produces perseverance.
4 Let perseverance finish its work 
so that you may be mature and complete, 
not lacking anything.

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