Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Guiltless My-My-My

Ps. 31:24
Be of good courage, 
And He shall strengthen your heart,
 All you who hope in the LORD.

I'm so thankful the above verse ministered to me yesterday
when I needed it desperately!
I'm so thankful for the constant reminders
that God will never leave me or forsake me,
but He comes to me sometimes through 
the care and compassion of fellowman,
and sometimes through His Word whispered to me!
Oh, pray we may seek to hide his Word in our hearts
to equip us for whatever today brings

I am so thankful that 'I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me'

I was torn between writing in first person 'my'
or for every believer 'our'
I decided to make it tenderly, vulnerably and joyfully personal 
but the word 'our' can be easily substituted for 'my' as well
so we can 'rejoice in the Lord' together!



Because God is my help, my strength, the Savior of my soul
My Anchor, my Assurance when grief and dread’s billows roll
My Hope and my Salvation, my kind Comforter and Friend
My Cherished Consolation, my Beginning and my End
My dear Heavenly Father, my Healer when my heart breaks
My Closer-than-a-brother who never leaves or forsakes
My Light to pierce the darkness and my Wonder-fullest Praise
For His mercy and goodness that will follow, all my days

My Shepherd, my Defender, my Hunger and my Enough
My God, both fierce and tender in His everlasting love
My Courage, my Commander, my Confidence to endure
My Fortress, and my Armor and my Victory secure
My Excellent Creator, my faith’s Steadfast Cornerstone
My Faithful Mediator, my Interpreter of groan
My Heaven-intercession in my earthly-temporal
My Pardon for transgression, Love Incomprehensible

My Author and Perfecter as I walk by faith, not sight
My trustworthy Protector, my Confidante, my delight
My heart’s Ruthless Inspector, ere pride’s ruin masquerades
My all-knowing Director as each season blooms and fades
My All-in-all, All-seeing and my All-wise Counselor
The Reason for my being, my Peace in the midst of war
My Holiness, Jehovah, my Shelter, my Resting Place
My Glory-hallelujah for His all-sufficient grace

My Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow-and-Forevermore
My Joy, even in sorrow, my Captain who goes before
My Refuge, my Redeemer, my Escort through highs and lows
My Perfect Plan-frustrater, my Orchestrator of woes
My Greater-He-in-me than he that is in, of this world
He is my Might, my Majesty, my Eagle Wings unfurled
Because God IS, He sets me free from fear of death and hell
Because of His power in me I can do all things well

© Janet Martin

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