Friday, October 25, 2024


Today I spent an afternoon with two of Lucy's friends,
one I knew by name only, the same way she knew me,
and we shared our love for Lucy midst laughter and tears.

This week my heart was torn every which way but loose...
so many beautiful people from near and far
touched my life with visits, texts, messages,
phone calls, cards, songs, treats, meals, hugs and prayers

The beautiful outpouring of sympathy and comfort
brings to sorrow, joy 💔🙏

Meanwhile, I am struck anew by the circle of life...
While we mourn, babies are born.
Let's take none of it for granted!

I shared this song awhile ago but it deserves a re-listen...

We cannot brush grief’s ache away like a stray lock of hair
No words exist that can allay the angst that love must bear
But as we mourn we learn of joys through loss alone unfurled
How Sorrow raises Comforters from all across the world

How, hope is like an angel that we glimpse in friendships sweet
How love, though bruised and battered does not succumb to defeat
How life is worth the living, even with love’s scars we earn
How in the taking God is always giving in return

How, if He asked, we would refuse what Reason holds at bay
While lessons we would never choose steal our breath away
With love, unhindered by façades we too often employ   
As students in the School of Sorrow are surprised by joy

© Janet Martin

Here are a few songs that cheered me on this week,
shared by thoughtful friends 

Made For More Josh Baldwin  (feat. Jenn Johnson)

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!