Thursday, October 3, 2024

Don't Wait (until it is too late)


His basket of peppers spilled over and over...
but he wanted to carry it,
so we picked them up, over and over
 and finally, with exhausted triumph
we made it to the goal!!!

SO, whatever our load happens to be today, peppers or otherwise, keep on!

Don't give up in despair...

Love 's care is worth every tear, every prayer
Someday (it could be as soon as today!)
We too with exhausted triumph will reach the goal! 

Our community has suffered a number of reminders
this year of the uncertainty of what a day may hold!
Don't wait to want what today still offers!!


Don’t wait to do the best you can
To love God first, then fellowman
To give thanks to the One who grants
His grace in every circumstance

Don’t wait to make the most of life
But, bury the hatchet of strife
Before we meet The Righteous Judge
Don’t nurse the wounds of bitter grudge

Don’t harbor anger in your heart
But with each breath, let’s do our part
Before today is history
To make a treasured memory

Don’t wait until it is too late
To linger at the soldered gate
Of a thousand longings untold
Thy lips still smile, thy arms still hold

Life is a gift, its curtain close
Only the Giver of it knows
Then do not wait to love, to pray
To wish for what God grants today

Take up love’s yoke of joy and grief
Plead God to turn blind unbelief
To faith, then trust love's nail-scarred Hand
With all we do not understand

Then live as if today could be
The gateway to eternity
Love God and fellowman, don't wait
Till it is forever too late

© Janet Martin

2 Cor.6:1-2

As God’s fellow workers,a then, 
we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain.
  2For He says:
“In the time of favor I heard you,
and in the day of salvation I helped you.”b
Behold, now is the time of favor;
 now is the day of salvation!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Yea, Though I Walk Through the Valley...A Prayer


I received the postcard below in the mail last week,
Painted by my friend 

this was yesterday's devotion...

Every day I am comforted by visits, messages, phone calls, 
scripture, cards, meals, food-gifts, flowers, songs and prayers
Thank-you all so very much!
As, through each kindness I learn
God's faithfulness at every turn

On Sunday, as I gazed at this view at my friend's home...

...I felt the presence of this verse...
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: 
he leadeth me beside the still waters.

Dear Lord, supply my need today
To trust Your will, Your Word, Your Way
To love Your law then, to obey
In Jesus precious Name, I pray

Your rod and staff, they comfort Me
Your armour thwarts the enemy
Though dark the passage through death’s vale
The Light of Your Word will not fail

Dear Lord, in Thee I put my trust
Until my frame returns to dust
Help me to be faithful and true
Until my soul returns to You

I love you Lord, let nothing mar
My confidence in who You are
Through every gasp of grief and pain
Your perfect purpose will sustain

Your goodness and mercy abide
Save me from doubt's rebellious pride
Your thoughts reach far beyond my ken
In Jesus' name I pray, Amen

© Janet Martin

Psalm 23:1
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Philippians 4:19
And my God will supply all your needs
 according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Sharing the link to  two stunning
and new for me songs sent to me this morning...

What a Broken Heart Can Do-Brian Free & Assurance 

I can almost here Lucy exclaiming over the songs!!