Lust is stirred by the visual
Love is stirred by the Invisible
Lust is limited
Love is eternal
Lust is selfish
Love is selfless
Lust is a fool’s gold
Love is wisdom's pearl
Lust craves
Love satisfies
Lust demands
Love is patient and kind
Lust takes
Love gives
Lust thrills
Love fulfills
Lust is restless
Love is peace
Lust is always seeking
Love waits
Lust is imprisonment
Love is freedom
Lust dies
Love lives
Lust is vanity’s deception
Love is pure and true
Lust preys on weakness
Love is unfathomable strength
Lust doubts
Love trusts
Lust is a roaring lion
Love is a steadfast hope
Lust flaunts the obvious
Love is a beautiful mystery
Lust is base
Love is divine
Lust flatters
Love praises
Lust wears many masks
Love, none; Truth needs no disguise
Lust is a jealous god
Love is God
Beautiful! And so very true.