Friday, July 14, 2017

Of Overflow and Undertow

 Without intentional pause, this one lily would bloom unnoticed, 
In the applause of louder plumes

The riot of mere moment leaves
Within its aftermath
The Thing that brings us joy or grief
Depending on its Path

A moment is a twinkle in
The filament of years
But moment hinged to moments spins
Much more than first appears

The overflow of come and go
In moments, seems quite trite
But weaves with whispered undertow
A legacy of life

© Janet Martin

Our/Hour Garden

 Hours hinged to our deed
Yields harvest of minute seed
Some things never change
In life's gracious grant
We cannot harvest
What we do not plant
One precious lily survived the lily-beetle. 
Nothing I poured on these plants deterred those teeny beasts!
An hour is like a flower...wasted if left 'untasted'

The impact of an hour seems
An unassuming lot
But hour after hour beams
With footprints telling Thought

The ought-to-do and ought-to-be
Though Thought intends it well
Is like a pearl hurled to the sea
And kept within its shell

…and not until we bring to light
The may or might of Ought
Will others be cheered by the sight
Of our hour-plot

An hour, seems simplest of grants
Its esteem undefined
But hour hinged to hour plants
The life we leave behind

© Janet Martin

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Because God is Love

For as high as the heavens are above the earth, 
So great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him.
 Just as a father has compassion on his children, 
So the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.…
Psalm 103:11-13 

Because God is love
His care for us
Is faithful and secure
Therefore, no matter
Who we are
His promises endure

Then, when contrite
We humbly bow
Before his Throne of grace
His love forgives us
Our sin-stain will erase

© Janet Martin

In the matter of being truthful and accountable,
I had a long and serious conversation today
with three little boys
It ended in tearful confession
....and the assurance of Jesus' forgiveness and love! 

Sometimes we forget what an AWESOME, AWESOME
merciful gift God's grace is!

Rainy-day Rondel...(because rain is one of a poet's favorite things!)

Rondel; A poem similar to a rondeau, having 13 or 14 lines with two rhymes throughout. The first and second lines reappear in the middle and at the end, although sometimes only the first line appears at the end.

They lob no lariat yet snare the dreamer in mid-stare
Where marionette-like circle notes freefall through bluesy air
And we pull up a chair to hear and feel its jazzy tease
A sax soft hid in maple-green, a trombone borne on breeze

With ease they tickle willow-keyboards, trickled tango-tune
Caught in a lily-draught like diamonds dripping from a spoon
They lob no lariat yet snare the dreamer in mid-stare
Where marionette-like circle-notes freefall through bluesy air

An orchestral arrangement no mortal can imitate
Of plush, sage-brush percussion, tap-dance on vined garden-gate
These nameless minstrels play Originals; we pause agape

…and drink a melody of wind and sea-song’s Fred Astaire
Where marionette-like circle-notes freefall through bluesy air
They lob no lariat, yet snare the dreamer in mid-stare

© Janet Martin

Are you ready for this?! asked my friend as she dropped her boys off in the pouring-rain morning!
Oh, yes, I replied, rain is one of my favorite-weather days!

Rainy-day tunes...

Fred Astaire - Songs From the Movies 1930s & 40s (Past Perfect) [Full Album]

Rainy Mood Cafe


When love dies it withers joy’s sail
That wafts like a song on the breeze
The green of field and fell turns pale
As a wasteland bereft of trees

And hope that tuned glad heart’s desire
Is snared in a noose, so it seems
The eye, a hearth without a fire
As it stares on the ash of Dreams

And where home rang with laughter, oh
A house, dark, cold and hollow, mourns
For days before a deadly blow
Killed the roses but left the thorns

No noise can drown the voice of guilt
No slumber grants redemption’s prize
When love dies, the world that it built
Lies like a shattered paradise

And leaves, in longing’s wailing weal
The stab of an unyielding knife
For love, when it is dead will steal
The wind from sails once full of life

One perfect Love alone bestows 
Atonement, healing, only One
We, darlings of His blood-stained woes
...where, without Him, all hope is gone

© Janet Martin