Sunday, April 22, 2012


exquisite threads  woven
to a familiar ache
shelved memories open shimmy or shake
to unfold ethereal edges
-thought origami
as your memory wedges
its cacophony
into abstract beings
of what is and what was
and a spangling dragon
unfurls harmless claws
in futile ferment
for your face disappears
in this coda-moment
of bittersweet tears


Sunday Wordle- Anniversary Edition

Your Permission Slip

Poetics Aside Prompt: 'Judging' Poem

Unless you've lain with me in the trenches
and tasted the same gritty dirt
And unless you have climbed the same fences
and endured the same bitter hurt
If you have not suffered my sorrow
or borne my invisible crosses
or carried my fear of tomorrow
or wept for the self-same losses
and if you have never slipped into my being
or the flesh that covers my bones
nor worn the shoes I am wearing
to walk the miles I have known
or given and taken in like-measure
the fairness and unfairness of life
or partaken of my pain and pleasure
or my allotment of strife
Unless you've traced all of my footsteps
The beauty and the misery
to understand why I am who I am
Don't judge me


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Haiku...'under the microscope' Prompt

Image Source:

From umber granules
Laced with countless miracles
Everything begins

God breathed on dust
Man became a living soul
Setting him apart

Earth’s organisms
The study of scientists
All victims of Time
Microscopes cannot
Examine the mystery
Of man’s living soul

Mankind cannot comprehend
Vast eternity


Janet Martin

Through my Lens

Through my lens
I see a miracle
of chromosomes
In other people’s eyes
criticism may rise
But I have known you
since you were
a flutter near my heart
my entire universe
Hope abides.
And beneath the microscope
of a mother’s love
there is only perfection
Imperfect perfection.
God’s threads woven
to a beautiful you
a reflection of His wonder
poured into freckles
and stumbles
and the beautiful ache
in my soul

© Janet Martin
(this is a photo from the archives...
Matt had been showing me how he can make his bike jump!
A life-lesson followed.:)
It is one of my favorite photos.
Matt and his 'shadow'.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Haiku on Love

It’s safer that way
She says, locking herself in
Or, is she locked out?
A wall with no door
Is a barrier to flesh
But never to love
Love does not build walls
And walls cannot dissuade it
Love can seep through steel


Gone Fishin'

Image Source:

Jes’ trollin’ the waters
Hopin’ for the big one
I cast and re-cast
Then get snagged by distraction
Release inhibition
Try a fresh lure
This oughta work
On that big one for sure
So I’ll sit here awhile
Thinkin’ an’ wishin’
If anyone asks
Tell ‘em I’m fishin’
fer words

© Janet Martin

Let's Get Dirty

Come, let’s get dirty
Not with dirty dirt
But with garden-dirt
Gardening dirt is different, you see…
It cleanses the mind and sets the heart free

It’s a soil-carpet solace
It’s a simple, safe touch
When the care and the clutter
Of this life is too much
It’s a beckoning beach
On an ocean of dreams
It is therapy for stress
Enchanting hope-streams
It is better than a psychiatrist
Yet it won’t cost a dime
All it takes is some energy
And sweet sun-kissed time
In the company of roses
Or zucchini and garlic
…or the chatter of children
Discovering its magic
It’s a haven of sorts
Built of fruit on a vine
Of vegetable beauty
Of rain and sunshine
Of love and of labor
Of patience and trust
A table for neighbors
Sprouting from the dust
It’s a vision of perfection
On the threshold of June
It’s a mini-vacation
On a slow afternoon
It’s a stroll for no reason
On earth’s humble sod
It’s the pearl of the season
It’s the whisper of God
Its spring, summer, autumn
With life-lessons to show
For a man cannot gather
What he does not sow…
…so come, let’s get dirty
In the cleanest of dirt
In a garden; it is simply
A small heaven on earth…

© Janet Martin

Kisses of Spring...

(No, these flowers are not this year...but it will be...soon:)

Let’s immerse ourselves
In the song of the breeze
Of robin and sparrow
And lace-collared trees
Let’s inhale the potion
Of bursting delight
Where earth is an ocean
Of emerald and white
And let’s discard duty
For free wander-lust
Admiring the beauty
New-born from the dust
Of hope in a blossom
And awe in a bud
As sleepy-eyed pansies
Awake from the mud
Let’s frolic in meadows
On carpets of clover
Let’s dream in the shadow
Where time is a lover
As moments, then minutes
Then wee hours wing
While we are immersed
In the kisses of Spring

© Janet Martin

Let's Admit It...

Poetics Aside Prompt: Let's...(fill in blank)

Let's admit it
We need each other
Life's load is too heavy
To shoulder alone
Let's encourage
And love one another
For two together
Are better than one

Janet Martin:)

Opposite Poem


 NaPoWriMo says write an 'opposites' poem. Take someone else's poem and switch it entirely...


The thistledown's flying, though the winds are all still,
On the green grass now lying, now mounting the hill,
The spring from the fountain now boils like a pot;
Through stones past the counting it bubbles red-hot.

The ground parched and cracked is like overbaked bread,
The greensward all wracked is, bents dried up and dead.
The fallow fields glitter like water indeed,
And gossamers twitter, flung from weed unto weed.

Hill-tops like hot iron glitter bright in the sun,
And the rivers we're eying burn to gold as they run;
Burning hot is the ground, liquid gold is the air;
Whoever looks round sees Eternity there.

John Clare

(I switched it to Spring)


The bud remains quiescent though winds moan and seethe
On dull-crested garden; the seed waits beneath
The ground, freed of winter is clenched by deep frost
Hiding spring, like a miser still counting the cost

The ground, rich and ready, is like under-baked bread
As buds becomes heady on tree-limbs overhead
The rested field sprawls, humbled by its naked bosom
As honey-bees fall, tumble, from blossom to blossom

Valleys, like cold dungeons are dark before dusk
But the orchard is burgeoning with pink-petal musk
Yet still cool is the air; silver-gray is the shower
But we do not care; Spring hath too short an hour

© Janet Martin