Monday, January 8, 2024

Living Life To The Full or What a Way To Live!!

No matter how successfully
We gain grandiose boast
If we fail on the scale of love
We fail what matters most

Nothing can take the place of it
No matter who/where we are
In every goal that we pursue
Love sets the highest bar


If we ask ourselves if we are loving people I am sure we all
would like to think we would say Yes! Of Course I am loving...
1 Cor.13 puts our quick replies to the test, doesn't it?!!

1 Cor.13:3-5
If I give all I possess to the poor 
and exult in the surrender of my body,a
 but have not love, I gain nothing...

Love is patient, 
love is kind. 
It does not envy, 
it does not boast, 
it is not proud. 
It is not rude, 
it is not self-seeking, 
it is not easily angered, 
it keeps no account of wrongs...

Every day is a test...a love-test, isn't it?!!
It's not hard to love the people and things 
nearest and dearest to our hearts💝💖💕

Hockey-lovin' brothers...

...but what about the vast rest of it?!!
This is my personal challenge today,
 and only for today
because what's the use of straining toward yesterday, 
or tomorrow?!
Life always happens, to all of us

No matter who or where we are
How fast or slow we climb
To all alike, life sets love's bar
At ‘one day at a time’

No matter how we fret and fuss
Or trust in God, or balk
He doles life’s toll to each of us
In measures of tick-tock

No matter what, we cannot haste
Or slow the steadfast surge
That runs us through with touch and taste
Where past and future merge

Whether the gale is soft or gruff
Whether we push or pull
God fills each day with quite enough
To live love to the full

So, no matter what Today's spree
May scatter in its wake
It will be worth it all if we
Make love its highest stake 

© Janet Martin

'What's that word?' asked Granddaughter.
'What does it mean?' after I told her the word.
It means 'to treasure' I told her, like right now,
 I cherish time with you💖

Cherish the easy loves, for sure, but don't ignore the rest!
Maybe a resolution to refresh at this New Year??

sharing this cherished moment from yesterday...

I baked these rolls; 30 min. Dinner Rolls in the afternoon for
sloppy joes for supper.
While prepping supper my oldest grandson 
was SO hungry so I buttered 1/2 a roll for him
and off he hasted downstairs to where his siblings were playing
smacking his lips 😂💖
no surprise, his sister appeared and I gave her the same and off she went1
Chuckling, I grabbed my camera and waited...not very long!

...around the corner came youngest tot, not for a moment
 questioning whether he would get one too

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!