Saturday, November 20, 2021

Day Breaks...

From moonrise 

to sunrise

the heavens draw our eyes upward
in universal worship to the Creator of heaven and earth.

Day breaks the sky, ebony-hued
Like wonder-thunder without sound
Like Mercy’s covenant renewed
Like golden signatures unbound

Day breaks the seal on skyline’s scroll
The blush of Beginning unfurled
To weathered carriages of Soul
Perfection crowns a broken world

© Janet Martin

The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
 Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
 They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
 Yet their voice[b] goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
     It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
    like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
 It rises at one end of the heavens
    and makes its circuit to the other;
    nothing is deprived of its warmth.

Friday, November 19, 2021

I Cannot Help But Laugh a Bit...(A Precious Moments Medley)

Sometimes I look back on a day or week that at first glance seems quite commonplace
until its scenes/music plays back to me and I see it for what each moment is; precious!!


Pumpkin Snowman instructions here

Tea-party 'cheers'

...and last but not least, the ever-changing window-framed art of each season!!!

(because it was this view through my window as I was passing through the kitchen
that inspired the first four lines in this poem)

I cannot help but laugh a bit
At the dear and sheer thrill of it
Of seasons as they spill and slide
Across acquiescent countryside
Of vistas ever changing hue
Of kiss and hug, hello, adieu
Of Old Man Winter’s hearty grin
In spite of what we think of him
Of home-sweet-home’s sweet friendliness
To thwart life’s out-of-sorted-ness
Of cherishing the day in hand
On pedestals of waning sand
Of passing pictures, window-framed
Soon by the Rite of Twilight claimed
Of what seems common until we
Scan it with closer scrutiny
Where word like ‘us’ and ‘with’ and ‘we’
Suggest your lovely company
Suggest a cup of tea and such
The poetry of taste and touch
And then I have to laugh, tis true
At the sheer and dear joy of you

I cannot help but laugh a bit
And sing and weep and pray a bit
The fling and swing and sway of it
The come-whatever-may of it
The way the tune of Time is played
The way that flowers flare and fade
The ebb and ache and eddy of
The give and take of life and love
The sense of something like a dance
Where moment-medleys glide and glance
Where wave on wave of hours roll
Across shorelines of grave and goal
Where youth soon wears the tender trace
Of truth; where dreamlands interlace
With matters of four-season fact
Where time will not leave us intact
And Want is better now because
It is much simpler than it was
When we were green as spring, fresh-spun
And king and queen of Opinion
Where in the autograph of it
I cannot help but laugh a bit

© Janet Martin

Soon, soon a season's sweet collage
turns into echo-decoupage 

November Blues...

Aha! I said this morning.
So THAT'S what was in yester-dusk's transfixing hues of blue!

November blues offset the hues of nature’s sparser clime
To wake within the heart a grin akin to joy bell’s chime
To draw our eyes beyond the rise and fall of season-surf
And feel the toll of transience roll across surrendered turf

I think the poet’s ink is siphoned from November blues
A welkin well where whispers swell and syllable subdues
A brooding deep above a sweep of sentenced green-gold-gray
A sacred sense of an immense changeover under way

November blues thunder with dues we cannot keep at bay
Where woodland throbs with muffled sobs of leaf-song snuffed away
Barren limbs stark against the early dark of Autumn dusk
As nature sets its silhouettes on backdrops, blue and brusque

November blues; who can refuse the sentimental *rush
Of lowered skies authoring sighs of awe beneath a brush
That drips with hues of smold'ring blues that steals our breath and gaze
As Artist spills a storm of thrills from fall's more muted trays 
November blues unfetter hues of frigid, downy-white
Where on the morn the heart is torn twixt dismay and delight
A strange tableau, transformed by snow, yester-ago far-swept
Where blue unfurled a wonderworld of winter while we slept

© Janet Martin

* yes, I mean rush (not crush)
unlike Grandsonny yesterday morning
announcing to his mom that
'I got a big rush on Millie'
 (name changed for privacy sake)😂
His mother assumes someone must have
used the word 'crush'😄😘

Sigh...'I suppose it's not so-o bad' acquiesced Victoria
(a fellow-November blues lover)
gazing out to the serene snow-globe scene

Thursday, November 18, 2021

More Than a String From the Sky

Hope Has a Name-River Valley Worship


Hope: the second most powerful
4-letter word in the English language after love!
Hope without Love is impossible.
God IS love!

The hope to which we cling is more than a string from the sky
It is the grace of God reached down to buoy you and I
The touch that wakes the mustard seed of faith that makes us whole
It is the power of the cross where man’s redemption flows
The confidence in promises that nothing overthrows
It is the satisfaction that, (though oft misunderstood)
To all who love the Lord He works all things for our good
It is a still, small Voice that whispers while doubt’s cannons fly
‘The hope to which we cling is more than a string from the sky’

The cynic and the critic cannot thwart its sacred thread
The heathen and heretic cannot find a stable stead
The toast and boast of pagan pride can never satisfy
Only the Perfect Lamb that died to rescue you and I
From death and hell's damnation; from sin's cursed and lethal rope
The God of all creation became salvation and hope 
As He, so rich in mercy suffered our penalty
To rend the noose around our souls and set the sinner free
To restore to His bosom we who without Him would die
The hope to which we cling is more than a string from the sky 

© Janet Martin

This passage below was today's devotion and though a familiar favourite
 God's word has a way of leaving us completely smitten 
with the wonder of His love again and again
(read it more than once and feel your wonder increase with each reading)
Hallelujah! Praise God!
Let's live and love with honoured humility 
because of God's gift of grace!

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins,
 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world 
and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, 
the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. 
3 All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh[a
and following its desires and thoughts. 
Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. 
4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 
5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—
it is by grace you have been saved. 
6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,
 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, 
expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. 
8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—
and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 
9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 
10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, 
which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:1-10

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Autumn...(or Awe-sum)

This year it seems like everyone is eager to deck the halls with boughs of holly very early!!
Personally, I prefer to revel in the tail-winds of Autumn for just a little longer...😊

Does it not stir within the heart a rush of rare delight
And rouse, with frameless works of art a nameless appetite
Does it not kindle thoughts of quilt-retreats and cups of tea
Where every leaf is like a little lilt of poetry

Where woodland wicks intensify, where wind-wild coursers dash
Until full-colour flickers lie in heaps of russet ash
Does it not bid our feet to slow, to linger by the fence
To revel in the afterglow of amber ambience

Does it not tug soul-strings to breaking points with Farewell’s Show?
Is it not like a hug that always brings the letting go?
Embodiment of Bittersweet, ah, does it not so seem
Where enchantment and want compete where life is but a dream

Ah, tell me are there any two syllables that can impress
Upon us such a surge of blue and brooding happiness
Ah, tell me in this four-season affair of yearly sum
Is there another word that can compare to thee, Autumn

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Sunrise Supplication...


I looked up from my still blank page
where I was waiting to get a 'leading/lead'
on what to write to see This going on!!

So I grabbed some clothes from the hook and shoes sitting inside the door
(which happened to be Matt's parka and Kodiaks)
and I shuffled out to the fence to watch and wonder!
(in case someone saw me and wondered at my strange getup haha)

Lord, calm the tempest in my heart
As dawn draws night away
Where I am about to embark
Upon another day…

Lord, let me not contrive from fear
Dark dread of what might be
But lean upon Thy Word so dear
Like leaning on Thy knee

Open my eyes to see
The gift of God that none can quell
And Thou alone can be

…with Living Water quench my thirst

From fathoms of goodness and grace
I draw from faith, not fear
Where, though I cannot see Thy Face
Lord, I know Thou art near

I thank Thee for Thy steadfast care
To help me bear my own
And for Thy whisper through my prayer
That I am not alone

© Janet Martin

I sometimes struggle between making a poem/prayer personal or communal!
First I had we-us-our instead of me-I-my
but it seemed more personal to pray this in first person
and my prayer is that it will uplift and encourage
you as you pray/read it!

John 4:10
Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God 
and who it is that asks you for a drink, 
you would have asked him 
and he would have given you living water.”

One of my favourite hymns...
(LOVE to hear the next generation singing these beloved hymns!)

Monday, November 15, 2021

Like My (almost) Pet...

Some days.

 I like to reserve Mondays to climb the
domestic to-do-ladder before another week of childcare starts.
Today required a morning+ away 
for dentists appointment, groceries and other errands
inspiring this rather wry ditty as I tried to get my bearings
when I returned to 'exactly like I left it!

Dear Almost Pet...

You’re always here to greet me
As faithful as can be
I think you think that I would miss
Your loyal company

You’d sit and wait forever
For when I go away
You do not flinch one teeny inch
Or take a holiday

You hide in any corner
And wait in every room
Amused at frantic antics that
Require mop and broom

Sometimes I think you giggle
When, laden, I walk in
With my arms full of groceries
Heaped right up to my chin

You are a little like a pet
That wears me to the bone
If I ignore you, you can bet
You’ll make your presence known

You’re not a playful puppy
No bunny, nor a cat
You’re my faithful trusty housework
Now what do you think of that

© Janet Martin

And what good housewife would leave the kitchen like this??!!!😂
In my defense...Monday morning is Jim's checklist morning
before his leaving for the week which involves Wife...
Let's see!
Do we have
"hey Janet, where did you put my heel cream?
I need it this time of year!'

um. I think I threw it in the fruit bowl on the table...

okay, where was I??
oh right!
thermos full of coffee
2 foil-wrapped omelets
cheese, sliced
2 sandwiches
meal/meals (dinner leftovers) in a foil tin for his truck oven
foil-wrapped pizza slices
fresh muffins
did I miss anything
oh, yes
3 sets of clean clothes
see you Saturday
drive safe!!
headlights out the driveway as he backs up
Sit down 
read devotions
make more coffee.
Make Matt's lunch
start laundry
write poem
look at clock
I need to get ready for the dentist
That's my excuse😁


Set a guard over my mouth, Lord;
keep watch over the door of my lips.
Psalm 141:3

Let the words of my mouth, 
and the meditation of my heart, 
be acceptable in thy sight, 
O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

A winter wonderland to set the heart singing this morning (I hope) 😉
Contemplating what comes out of our mouths today
besides breath-clouds on the frosty air!

How cold the heart of spite doth burn
How mean then, mind doth mete
To tongue unlovely words that turn
To sorrow and defeat

How warm the heart of love doth leap
How kind then, mind doth spill
To tongue goodness and mercy’s sweet
-ness of grace and goodwill

How destitute are you and I
Without humility
To turn sharp edges of reply
To tender sympathy

© Janet Martin