Friday, December 11, 2020


This test-run offers no 'test-run'!
We are all first-timers to each day
and its come-what-may.
Let's be kind.

The success of life's tests
depend greatly on the attitude/gratitude
 of the 'Student'.

How often life's greatest tests are wrapped in
the common cloth of day-to-day!

Pray, on our Pilgrim-progress, we press with reverence 
'toward the mark for the prize of the high calling 
of God in Christ Jesus.'

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. 
But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; 
rather, serve one another humbly in love.

Everything is a test 
Weighed on a scale of love 
The way we treat our fellowman 
Is the law that will prove 
By how we spend our time 
The heart of you and I 
With what we have and what we do 
And who we serve and why 

Everything is a test
Our onus of reply
That may seem small is always hinged
To more than meets the eye
And presents everyone
With a subtle exam
Where often the way we respond
Reveals the hidden man
Everything is a test 
This moment-marathon
Runs rife with 'second-miles' where life
And time wait for no one
Thus, it is up to us
To choose right here, right now
Who we will serve and worship with
Today's momentous How
Everything is God’s grace 
All that we have is lent 
And in case we forget our place 
We all are called and sent 
Not to earn Heaven’s pass 
But humbly do our best 
To honour He who grants each day 
Where everything is a test 

© Janet Martin

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Heavenly Declaration

A glimpse of I AM!

The heavens declare the glory of God 
We gaze, like David did, utterly awed 
Worship beholds as an artist unfolds 
Purple and fuchsia, coral, pinks and golds 
Filling the canvas of west unto east 
With a magnificent, free-for-all feast 

The heavens declare the glory of He 
Who wrought the universe with ‘let there be’ 
Love pours the pigment of sunrise and set 
Before we, who all too quickly forget 
Thus, over and over He fills up his tray 
And pours out His glory in gorgeous array 

The heavens declare to man's common ground
He who by nothing and no one is bound
He drapes the sky with but the Outer Fringe
Of Who suspends earth on time's sacred hinge
Pitiful soul who dares to affront He
Who fills the heavens with His majesty

The heavens declare, what none can deny 
The incomprehensible ways of His eye
Oh, what a showcase of His Evidence 
We gaze amazed, from our perches of sod 
As heavens declare the glory of God 

© Janet Martin 

Psalm 19:1-6

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4Yet their voice b goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
5It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
6It rises at one end of the heavens
and makes its circuit to the other;
nothing is deprived of its warmth.

Sons and Heirs (How can it be?)

Glorious truth (for we who believe) to ponder!

But when the set time had fully come, 
God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law,
  to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.[b
 Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, 
the Spirit who calls out, “Abba,[c] Father.” 
 So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; 
and since you are his child, 
God has made you also an heir.

Then, when we were still dead in sin 
As lost, as lost can be 
The Son of God came down to man 
To die for you and me 

To die, and thereby conquer death 
Oh, sacred mystery 
To make we, lowly sons of earth 
Part of God’s family 

To do through love what law could not 
To set sin’s captive free 
No longer slaves, but sons of God 
Then heirs of Royalty 

As sons of God, we, sons of men 
Dare not Freedom forsake 
Lest we become enslaved again 
By chains He came to break 

© Janet Martin 

Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. 
Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves 
be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


I keep creating a delightful dilemma;
running out of room for books!

Books are becoming the décor of necessity!😀

And any neat and tidy bookcases are constantly be messed! 
Isn't that great?!!😊

Is this then 
I wonder, what else could it be 
The slur of the ditty 
Makes me rather giddy 
Not as sedate as I should be 

Are these yellow pages 
Imbibed with the ages 
Somehow playing tricks on my brain 
This spell I am under 
Is it real, I wonder 
This feeling is hard to explain 

My logic is muddled 
Will-power befuddled 
I don’t feel at all like myself 
I'm hypnotized, I confess  
By ink-induced happiness 
Lining shelf after shelf after shelf 

Those enticing hard covers
Are like starry-eyed lovers
All calling out, pick me, pick me
Oh, tell me, how do
I choose only one or two
Inhale, exhale, I'll take twenty-three

© Janet Martin 

This Exposé of Day-to-Day...

This was part of a text from my sister last night as I poured out my latest 'woe'
in what feels like a long line of little disappointments/frustrations...
Nothing major (like the crosses so many are called to suffer)
But wow. How her kind words helped me refocus 
and reminded me of a Much Bigger Picture.
Thank-you, Lucy💗

This exposé of day-to-day is so much more, my dears 
Than hip-hooray or plan’s ‘nay, nay’, more than laughter and tears 
This life we live that gives us much to celebrate and grieve 
Is far more than time’s gifted span before we take our leave 

This no return where Live-and-Learn’s law never disappears 
Where rise and fall of sky-high shawl numbers our days and years 
Where dawn to dusk is but the husk of morrow’s brittle vine 
Where Mystery and Poetry and Holy intertwine 

Where what we hold is but the mold to farewell’s swinging door 
Where what we do is but the flue to Something far, far More 
Where we are all far more than small dots on four-seasoned sod 
This exposé of day-to-day is our way back to God 

So, friend, take heart, this sting and smart of love’s longing and loss 
This grin and groan as skin and bone takes up its daily cross 
This wrenching pain of ‘try again’, this utter need for grace 
Is but the span twixt God and man before we see His face 

© Janet Martin 

2 Cor.4:18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, 
but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, 
but what is unseen is eternal.

I know I've shared this version before but I love it

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Disappointments, We All Get 'Em...

It feels like it's been a stretch
 of vexing little set-backs and disappointments; 
(just life-headaches, but...)
The latest:
I opened a pack of pre-ordered printed Christmas photos and the first thing I see is this...

I had a terrible (well, for technically-challenged me) time getting everything to fit and save 
and didn't notice the date had reverted back to the template setting??😐
That's all I can figure out though I thought I checked everything thrice!! nothing to do but fix it; At least it's not a wedding invitation or something like that!

Earlier this month a bright spot was delivered in form of apple pie 
courtesy of many volunteers from our church
assembling them for our young families  
as an encouragement during these trying Covid-times.
(No! We are not considered 'younger family'😊)
 but I had the honour of writing a poem for
 the lids of the pie-boxes and received a pie as a thank-you!
Because someone had framed the poem 
in lovely autumn- artwork I hung it on the fridge. 
Tonight I reread it and decided this coming weekend 
we are baking the pie to enjoy,
and forget disappointments for a bit!

Victoria comforted me with these words
'Sure, in the big picture these are little things
but in the moment they still hurt💛

She makes me want to count my blessings, 
not my disappointments!
And she is one of our best!

What Faith Is This?

How To Please God-Charles Spurgeon 

And without faith it is impossible to please God, 
because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists 
and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

A few sermon-excerpts; 

'this faith must believe that there is a great reward in keeping his commandments, 
that He does hear prayer, 
that He does grant great blessings to those who truly seek Him.

We must believe this or else there is no real seeking of Him.

If we believe in God 
'we must believe that he exists 
and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him'.
'where trust has died out love has always died out too'!

Modern Theology...takes man from what is Written to what is thought.
It does not allow the sovereign Authority of Revelation and in disallowing that
their very foundations are removed, and much of the abounding vice of this day is
the direct result of this abounding unbelief in God, this
philosophical mistrust in Infinite Wisdom

A man only believes that which affects his life,
- Charles Spurgeon from the Sermon How To Please God 

What faith is this that we profess? 
Is what we cannot see 
That which turns would-be commonness 
Into holy, holy 

Faith without works is dead as dirt 
A cold and clanging bell 
Its specious substitutions flirt 
With godless death and hell 

What faith is this that we profane 
When we with pious nod 
Pronounce its syllables in vain 
With hearts afar from God 

What is this faith, mighty to save 
That sires sacred fear 
Is it the Confidence/Righteousness we have 
Or religious veneer 

Better to be without our eyes 
Or ears or homes or food 
Than to forsake Faith’s Enterprise 
And thus, God who is good 

Without faith we are naked, poor 
Lost, hopeless and condemned 
A ship without anchor secure 
A Soul without a Friend 

‘Without faith’ who would dare to wear 
Such a most awful plaque 
Or who would choose faithless despair 
If we beheld its lack 

In this land of revivals, bibles, 
Sunday morning church 
How is it that so much else rivals 
He who loved us first? 

What faith is this if once declared 
No work will prove its life 
What faith is this if it runs scared 
Beneath the Sculptor’s knife 

What faith were this that could attain 
The crown without the cross 
Or think ‘without works’ will retain 
Faith’s gain without its loss 

God is not mocked; no idol, He 
To put upon some shelf 
To gaze at whilst our loyalty 
Is faithful first, to Self 

Faith is Belief in One True God 
Its Must, a gift of grace 
A trust that very few applaud 
And fewer yet embrace 

Faith is greater than futile law 
Or works that cannot save 
Faith first believes, with humble awe 
God’s glorious gift of grace 

How can we approach Mercy’s throne 
Or know His love is just 
Without the essence of faith’s terms 
Belief and utter trust 

Ah, living, loving lasting faith 
In Jesus Christ, our Lord 
What profit hath each gifted breath 
If we miss faith’s reward 

Faith drives afar doubt’s shadowland 
And when things are the worst 
It reaches out and takes the Hand 
Of He who loved us first 

Oh, Spirit of the living God
Send home the Truth of Thee
By the power which saints applaud
Through faith that sets us free from fear's shackles, can it be
Anxiety and dread
Are swallowed up in victory
As we choose Faith instead 

© Janet Martin 

Momentous Exodus


Before the Door is closed 
To opportunity 
Lord, help us find its uttermost 

Not with a host of Stuff 
To boast of sweet success 
But with the accolades of love 
Turned into holiness

Before the Door is closed 
To what Time will allow 
Lord, show us how to make the most 
Of its Momentous Now


© Janet Martin