Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Gift of Time

Are you ever dumb-founded as you stand amidst heaps of pretty paper pulled away
after we pried at the parcel that granted Today?!

With every breath we pull the tulle of moments from its gift
Heirs, as it were, to grace and mercy meting day-to-day
Where, if we see the value ere its seasoned seasons drift
Wonder would confound us with humble joy and we would pray

…and we would break our bread with head bowed, too awed to complain
Nor would we trample ribbons wrought with naught but simple joy
Then, wholly, holy we would tread this ephemeral main
Toward the Ultimate Undoing of what clocks deploy

Time’s quantum, untallied until its final gasp is spent
Arranges rigors too complex for mortal might alone
This test of quest and wrest of wonder-fashioned filament
Orders the footsteps of a man to bow before God’s throne

And beseech Gift of Time to teach him how to fully live
And reach to touch the Hand that shows him how to fully love
Lest he tears at time’s tissue to get, forgetting to give
For to whom much is given, much is also lent to prove

© Janet Martin

Impressions of Summer

How soulful, strong and swift the song that slips from sea to sea
Where Maestro, music and baton move in sync flawlessly
O’er misted main and drifts of grain, o’er plain and hill and dale
Alloys ten-thousand tones as one to tune joy’s common scale
It fills the reaches of the mind
With thrills soon stilled and left behind

Too well this shell of dust to dust can trip on lust and hurt
While swells of nature’s arista drip to earth’s graves of dirt
Where bud to bloom is like a schooner laden with farewell
O'er purple lea morn's melody soon tolls dusk’s citadel
It stirs the blur beneath our feet
With hunger’s harvest, bitter-sweet

This orchestral, imperial succession of demise
Scatters its stars from lilied jars to *wonder's tattered prize
Where Thought is prone to grovel in a hovel of dismay
If it forgets to touch the threads that eve-tide whisks away
Today, o’er Bygone’s disrepair
Tips a grail nothing can despair

The banter of love’s paling plumes consumes our eyes and ears
Heaven’s decanter pours through rooms that the wise one reveres
This disappearing act that seems stacked against us at times
(We, merchants of clock's tick-and-tock and poets primed with rhymes)
Composes as the roses fade
Summer’s symphonic serenade

© Janet Martin

(*yes, the photo says 'to wonder-tattered sighs,
then, when I was doing the final finesse, 'wonder's tattered prize' taunted and
now I can't make up my mind which holds the deepest impression...
then, there is also 'wonder's paradise'!
Is there any paradise sweeter than wonder?!
Ah, delightful dilemma;-))

Yesterday, my friend and I, while standing midst a veritable rainbow of bloom,
mourned the subtle folding of green to gold,
knowing all too well what these symptoms hold...

Monday, July 10, 2017

The Heart Is Like a Yellow Umbrella

 Little 'twinkle-bug' is doing what all babies do...growing up WAY too fast!
...and tugging our hearts every-which-way but apart!

The heart is like a howling beast, hungry for what is not
Nay, it is like a cup that cradles seasons wrapped in thought
Or is it like a ragged rope worn thin with tug-of-war
Torn between what has been and who we were to who we are

The heart is like a harbor where time’s fleet of mem’ries rest
Or is it like a cargo ship atop a roiling crest?
Nay, it is like a vault with tender treasure in its keep
Where it is like a mother rocking her baby to sleep

The heart is like a patriarch that rules a palace, no
It is a beggar-child in search of crumbs to soothe its woe
Or is it like a poem pressed on pages, thin as air
Or perhaps like a pilgrim climbing mercy’s phantom stair

…or is the heart a hunter, plundering a world of whim
Nay, it is like the hunter’s prey, caught in a cage within
Or is it but the moderator of the flinty mind?
Where we would be too harsh, save for the heart, humble and kind

The heart is like a yellow umbrella tipped upside down
To catch a falling star and drops of sun-rain’s grin and frown
The heart is soft as silk and strong as steel, it holds; lets go
The heart is like a ping-pong ball that love bats to and fro

The heart is like a hammock, like a sock with holy holes
It pulses with the breath of life where deadly vice cajoles
Lone musketeer where faith and fear rankles its mortal bark
The heart is like a trembling minstrel singing in the dark

© Janet Martin

Of Enemy or Friend (and a few pho-etic Proverbs...)

Time’s dividend of touch and taste persuades us to pursue
The cue of enemy or Friend with whom we have to do
Ah, quickened leap of wake and sleep; each patron must decide
Whom they will serve with heart and soul where guilt and grace collide

The Truth, unless we seek it, cannot open up our eyes
Ah youth, then mine for it before your howling hunger dies
How numb we soon become when we are too preoccupied
With what we see instead of what we sense somewhere inside

We want for Much but much of what we want soon fades to naught
The prattle of a fool is nothing but noise swift forgot
How effortless the downward road, how hard the Upward climb
How pitiful the pomp and show of lords living for time

While man looks on the outward there is One who knows the heart
Where Friend and enemy within are near, yet far apart
Thus, while we live-love-labor in This Fleeting Thing That Is
Wisdom bids us remember, oh, we serve Much More than This

© Janet Martin

John Schmid raps a one-minutes sermon!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Lumps in our Throats...for moms

“Don’t worry too much”, my middle daughter tried to reassure me,
(as I 'expressed concerns' for her upcoming 'adventure')
 “like, just worry the normal mom-amount, okay? 
But not more than that! I’ll be fine!”

Ah, torn we are, twixt laughter and a lump lodged in our throats
Sweet Innocence is lovely without holes to fray its coats
My, but we’ve come a long way from those girlish, carefree days
When we scoffed at our anxious mother’s worry-tender ways

Now humble knees bend while pleas wend to God from helpless thought
And it is our turn to learn the trust our mothers sought
Where oft words would be reckless if first impulses would spew
But for ‘aha’; once we were wishful-thinking daughters too

Time is a patient Teacher; we all leave lost worlds behind
Surprised by changeless truths that youth is soon destined to find
Then torn we are twixt laughter for the girl she used to be
And tears; because the road is hard to true humility

How precious is the tick of clocks in childhood’s little leap
How pivotal this pit-stop; ‘now I lay me down to sleep
For far too soon they drop their silver spoon and tiny coats
And leave us standing in the doorway with lumps in our throats

© Janet Martin

Years ago a local middle-aged DJ, Gary Doyle told his radio audience that he asked his mother how old he was when she stopped worrying about him.
She replied, I'll let you know!