Monday, July 10, 2017

The Heart Is Like a Yellow Umbrella

 Little 'twinkle-bug' is doing what all babies do...growing up WAY too fast!
...and tugging our hearts every-which-way but apart!

The heart is like a howling beast, hungry for what is not
Nay, it is like a cup that cradles seasons wrapped in thought
Or is it like a ragged rope worn thin with tug-of-war
Torn between what has been and who we were to who we are

The heart is like a harbor where time’s fleet of mem’ries rest
Or is it like a cargo ship atop a roiling crest?
Nay, it is like a vault with tender treasure in its keep
Where it is like a mother rocking her baby to sleep

The heart is like a patriarch that rules a palace, no
It is a beggar-child in search of crumbs to soothe its woe
Or is it like a poem pressed on pages, thin as air
Or perhaps like a pilgrim climbing mercy’s phantom stair

…or is the heart a hunter, plundering a world of whim
Nay, it is like the hunter’s prey, caught in a cage within
Or is it but the moderator of the flinty mind?
Where we would be too harsh, save for the heart, humble and kind

The heart is like a yellow umbrella tipped upside down
To catch a falling star and drops of sun-rain’s grin and frown
The heart is soft as silk and strong as steel, it holds; lets go
The heart is like a ping-pong ball that love bats to and fro

The heart is like a hammock, like a sock with holy holes
It pulses with the breath of life where deadly vice cajoles
Lone musketeer where faith and fear rankles its mortal bark
The heart is like a trembling minstrel singing in the dark

© Janet Martin

Of Enemy or Friend (and a few pho-etic Proverbs...)

Time’s dividend of touch and taste persuades us to pursue
The cue of enemy or Friend with whom we have to do
Ah, quickened leap of wake and sleep; each patron must decide
Whom they will serve with heart and soul where guilt and grace collide

The Truth, unless we seek it, cannot open up our eyes
Ah youth, then mine for it before your howling hunger dies
How numb we soon become when we are too preoccupied
With what we see instead of what we sense somewhere inside

We want for Much but much of what we want soon fades to naught
The prattle of a fool is nothing but noise swift forgot
How effortless the downward road, how hard the Upward climb
How pitiful the pomp and show of lords living for time

While man looks on the outward there is One who knows the heart
Where Friend and enemy within are near, yet far apart
Thus, while we live-love-labor in This Fleeting Thing That Is
Wisdom bids us remember, oh, we serve Much More than This

© Janet Martin

John Schmid raps a one-minutes sermon!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Lumps in our Throats...for moms

“Don’t worry too much”, my middle daughter tried to reassure me,
(as I 'expressed concerns' for her upcoming 'adventure')
 “like, just worry the normal mom-amount, okay? 
But not more than that! I’ll be fine!”

Ah, torn we are, twixt laughter and a lump lodged in our throats
Sweet Innocence is lovely without holes to fray its coats
My, but we’ve come a long way from those girlish, carefree days
When we scoffed at our anxious mother’s worry-tender ways

Now humble knees bend while pleas wend to God from helpless thought
And it is our turn to learn the trust our mothers sought
Where oft words would be reckless if first impulses would spew
But for ‘aha’; once we were wishful-thinking daughters too

Time is a patient Teacher; we all leave lost worlds behind
Surprised by changeless truths that youth is soon destined to find
Then torn we are twixt laughter for the girl she used to be
And tears; because the road is hard to true humility

How precious is the tick of clocks in childhood’s little leap
How pivotal this pit-stop; ‘now I lay me down to sleep
For far too soon they drop their silver spoon and tiny coats
And leave us standing in the doorway with lumps in our throats

© Janet Martin

Years ago a local middle-aged DJ, Gary Doyle told his radio audience that he asked his mother how old he was when she stopped worrying about him.
She replied, I'll let you know!

Where Petals Lie...I Don't Want To Miss a Moment

Nature’s slate that long lay dormant
Beams with beauty’s enterprise
I don’t want to miss a moment
Of its poem-paradise

Wild-bloom gardens spill at random
Blue-strife, daisy, chamomile
I don’t want to miss a moment
In the full of nature's smile

Where winds usher I will follow
Hollows rife with flower-joy
Rhapsody of rose and rainbow
Halos earth’s common employ

Dawn unveils Time’s glimm’ring progress
Somber tide that none can tame
Summer rolls through brook-lined gorges
Strums the soul of shimm’ring grain

Gilds the goblet of a lily
With a sip of honeyed dew
Drains a carpet green and hilly
Where its season-song runs through

Tunes our touch with tender rev’rence
Soon noon turns this silk-spun Now
Into thought’s forgiving romance
…thorns fade in dusk’s afterglow

…and, I don’t want to miss a moment
Where Duty and Dreaming vie
For the darling-ness of summer
Slipping to where petals lie

Sweep of mist-anointed Rembrandt
 Sweet, swift summer skims the sod
I don't want to miss a moment
Of its green-leaf gift from God

© Janet Martin

My friend Donna inspired this poem. 
She said she drove the other night, with the sun-roof open and her heater on 'cause its summer and she doesn't want to miss a minute!
I feel the same:)

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Homage to Home...and Welcome Home, Dave update!

Too, too many 'broken' homes...
 How do we make a happy home?
With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,

Let's do all we can to make home a haven from life's storm, then...

Here the cares of life grow lighter
Here heart-hunger heals its groan
In the joy of the familiar
And the love of home, sweet home

Here the pull of give and taking
Fills a hull of wood-brick-stone
Here the memories we’re making
Turns a house into a home

Here a precious treasure; people
Here the grace by which they come
Makes us humbly, holy thankful
For this place that we call home

Here we gather, father, mother
Sister, brother, grab a seat
Happiness, a simple supper
In the peace of home so sweet

Here the bond of fond, fond laughter
Here the tenderness of tear
Here echoes that linger after
They have gone so far from here

Here the bud becomes a flower
Petals pressed into a poem
For here is life’s kindest hour
In the love of home, sweet home

© Janet Martin

Dave had one goal in mind as soon as the pain began to go home!

Tonight's first-day-at-home update from Karen Ropp-Martin
Hello everyone,
I would like to thank everyone who is praying and helping as we adjust to a new normal for a while! Yes, Dave came home around 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Last night he slept in one recliner chair in our living room and I slept in the other. We had a good night. He seems able to rest comfortably in the recliner. This morning Janet(Dave’s sister) came by and did a little cleaning. Donna H dropped in with coffees. She hung out, as well as folded some laundry and also picked up a few groceries. Pam W dropped off some stew for us and some homemade cinnamon buns. YUM! It is so amazing to have so many family and friends helping us through this time of trusting. We appreciate it greatly. All these little things add up to SO much and lighten the load so that I can just look after Dave. Luanne from Church is bringing supper tonight for the whole family and Dave’s parents are bringing a different recliner for Dave to try; one that tilts forward to make getting out easier.
I do admit it is so nice to have him home. I’m able to put my feet up and rest when he rests and be here for him when he needs something (especially at night) and it is going more smoothly then I thought it would. Things will probably come up, but with family, friends and God we will make it through.
A lot of people wondered how Feebee (our/Dave’s dog) did with Dave coming home. She was excited but she did really well. Josh had her on her leash so at first she was just so excited because she thought she was going for a walk, then she noticed Dave and just went up to his chair. Joshua made sure she didn't jump on him. Feebee is now eating because everything is back to normal!
Thanks and please continue the prayers as I’ve said many times before. We sure do feel them!

This is Feebee when I left Dave and Karen's house the other night.
I dropped some things off and was expecting the usual
jump-wag-knock-me-over greeting
but that night she just followed me with a question-mark on her face...