Saturday, September 27, 2014

Because We Do or Not

 (but here and there 'tis nice to pause with book, un-chained from Duty's laws, where living bids us do, do, do, to rest beneath God's blue, blue, blue...)

…because we choose to do or not
The one who watches will be taught
For hand, compelling as a sword
Is often mightier than word

Because we do; lines not of speech
Convinces readers as we teach
Not by the flower-seeds of voice
But by the power-deeds of choice

…because we do in every day
And say what tongue will never say
Each script is written by the quill
Of hand and foot; soul- stories spill

…to pages laid upon Time’s stair
Where our do’s and don’ts declare
The truth of whom we serve and love
Pray tell, what will our writing prove?

© Janet Martin

 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Eccles.9:10

 With God's help we will do mighty things, for he will trample down our foes Ps. 60:12

Friday, September 26, 2014

Ever Feel Like This?...Blessed

If we are blessed we will be
A step-stool,
A leaning-post,
A sounding-board,
A dinner host, 
A handkerchief,
A teddy-bear,
A hope-filled chest
An easy-chair
A launching pad
A broom, a ball
 For to be needed
is a blessing above all

© Janet Martin

The Picnic Will Not Care...

If we did not, did not lie there
To sip the blue breeze-seasoned air
Nor popped its cork at noisy noon
Or paused at work to taste its swoon
The picnic will not care

If we did not sprawl half-reclined
Beneath tracery leaf-song lined
To contemplate nothing all
Save crumbs of cake and nibs of fall
The picnic will not mind

If we did not count soft sky-sheep
Or spread a quilt against a sweep
Of clover-leaf or green-grass sea
To revel in God’s poetry
The picnic will not weep

If we did not, did not lie there
Without intention but to share
A dream or two with he or she
Beneath the reaching reading-tree
The picnic will not care

© Janet Martin

Yesterday, after reading Brenda's post
and after a day of



chopping trees (or at least trying;)

Doing a bit of fall decorating

I lamented the fact that, though I love picnics it had been a while since the last one...
So I laid out a blanket, a basket, some books...

...and just as I was about to enjoy!! a lady dropped by wondering if she could trade a few of her perennials for a few of mine, so we did, then Emily dropped in, then I needed to take Matt to work,
then 'my li'l guys'I babysit came and we played...

...and had supper, then the boys left and Victoria and I went to 'meet the teacher' at school, then we came home, quickly cleaned up supper, went to Matt's hockey game...
...and the picnic didn't care.
it was still there when I returned to put it away for another day...
Who knows?

Another Go-round

 (Three separates poem-lets or one full choose:)

That Big Alarm Clock in the air rouses the morning light
The Hour is at hand with unrelenting appetite
For seasons have no snooze buttons and even as men sleep
The harbinger of winter-summer taps his restless feet


This thread man treads is like a tightrope hinged beyond the skies  
Time lays its dead beneath the spreading realms of yester-sighs
Prayer grasps at skeins of Hope and pleads for courage to proceed
For day is heavy with the dew of fear and want and need


Each tick-tock breaks a lock; and Future spills into the Now
Soon thought salutes the troops that fall into its afterglow
While that Alarm Clock in the air pulses with fresh appeal
And wakes the takers for another go-round on Time’s Wheel

© Janet Martin


Thursday, September 25, 2014

From Sack-cloth and Ashes...

Oh that vanity would be purged from me like vomit
Oh, that pride and envy would follow suit
And oh, that what would come from it were love
Flourishing and bearing fruit

Oh, that Self would be less and others more
Second only to God
And oh, that He would have dominion and be Lord
To more than second thought

Then oh, that I would be guilty
Of nothing but a thirst
To put me in my rightful place
Of God and others first

Oh, that Satan would buffet me
Only to find alas,
That ONE far, far greater than he
No longer lets him laugh

…and oh, that when I lay me down
To sleep where eons pour
That I have prayed the Lord to keep
My soul and nothing more

© Janet Martin

I think its reading through Job right now that sort of roused a personal lament/longing in me…

 what will I do when God confronts me?
    What will I answer when called to account?

Job 31:14

Especially Life

...why we take pictures...

If it were simply sun or summer
…rain, or tea, or you and me
If it were merely toes a-tickled
By the pulling, lulling sea

If Delight were not soft-shaken
on our bitty wakefulness
if existence were all taking
without second-thoughtfulness

…if we didn’t know the difference
between beginning and the end
we would never drink so deeply
from the fount of life, my friend

…for 'tis in the solemn knowing
be it summer, you and I
be it rainbows scrawled in ether
promise on the weeping sky

…be it dipping doughnuts, dashing
where the leaves of autumn spill
be it wondering at petals
or the kettle-song when chill…

…comes creeping up the hollow
to betray our summer feet
that we begin to swallow
that which makes this life so sweet

…not in the having, having
of whatever Life will send
but rather, in the knowing
that its every Thing will end

…that’s what makes it special

© Janet Martin

Yesterday, while doing round two of a long appointment at the dentist I had ample opportunity to see many commercials on their overhead TV screen. One commercial boasted an 'endless vacation'! It got me thinking how unsatisfying such a vacation would be and it dawned on me that no matter what we enjoy-seasons, books, treats, you name it, it's in the knowing that it will end that makes it special...especially Life.