Thursday, September 25, 2014

From Sack-cloth and Ashes...

Oh that vanity would be purged from me like vomit
Oh, that pride and envy would follow suit
And oh, that what would come from it were love
Flourishing and bearing fruit

Oh, that Self would be less and others more
Second only to God
And oh, that He would have dominion and be Lord
To more than second thought

Then oh, that I would be guilty
Of nothing but a thirst
To put me in my rightful place
Of God and others first

Oh, that Satan would buffet me
Only to find alas,
That ONE far, far greater than he
No longer lets him laugh

…and oh, that when I lay me down
To sleep where eons pour
That I have prayed the Lord to keep
My soul and nothing more

© Janet Martin

I think its reading through Job right now that sort of roused a personal lament/longing in me…

 what will I do when God confronts me?
    What will I answer when called to account?

Job 31:14

Especially Life

...why we take pictures...

If it were simply sun or summer
…rain, or tea, or you and me
If it were merely toes a-tickled
By the pulling, lulling sea

If Delight were not soft-shaken
on our bitty wakefulness
if existence were all taking
without second-thoughtfulness

…if we didn’t know the difference
between beginning and the end
we would never drink so deeply
from the fount of life, my friend

…for 'tis in the solemn knowing
be it summer, you and I
be it rainbows scrawled in ether
promise on the weeping sky

…be it dipping doughnuts, dashing
where the leaves of autumn spill
be it wondering at petals
or the kettle-song when chill…

…comes creeping up the hollow
to betray our summer feet
that we begin to swallow
that which makes this life so sweet

…not in the having, having
of whatever Life will send
but rather, in the knowing
that its every Thing will end

…that’s what makes it special

© Janet Martin

Yesterday, while doing round two of a long appointment at the dentist I had ample opportunity to see many commercials on their overhead TV screen. One commercial boasted an 'endless vacation'! It got me thinking how unsatisfying such a vacation would be and it dawned on me that no matter what we enjoy-seasons, books, treats, you name it, it's in the knowing that it will end that makes it special...especially Life.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Motto for More than Goose-bumps

Lord, may my worship ever be
Not moved by mere emotion
But by thankful humility
Of sincere devotion

Lord, may my happiness be pure
And independent of
Life’s gray and gold exterior
But rooted in this; Love

© Janet Martin

It's so easy to be moved by goose-bumps
of emotion
In day-by-day devotion

Of Think-land and Ink

We blink, the murky ink of dreamland dissipates; the stars
Like sun-sparkles on midnight’s lake alight on other shores
And now we think ahead to fit the unknowns to our Knowns
Not able to forecast the layout of its stepping stones

So many me-me-mes push, push to be our number one
And oh, we think-think-think, but thought alone gets nothing done
Our more-or-lesses are not more than other wars oft fought
The birthing room of the unknown trembles beyond our thought

The mind is never satisfied; its greedy appetite
Slams us with life’s fresh flavors; we must choose which fruit to bite
For wrong and right are not a hoax; thought’s aftermath the road
That future generations fight and cover with their blood

We blink. The ink of think-think-think drips from primed and poised pens
The more we live the less we know, it seems, but then again
With mouths wide open we inhale and never choke on gold
God tips Time’s ephemeral grail into our hollow hold

We drink. Hope’s highway to the stars is paved with the success
Of rebounding by heaven’s grace from shame and recklessness
Our wide eyes reach but cannot fit unknowns against our knowns
But trust the One who lays His grip beneath Love’s steppingstones

© Janet Martin

 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Ps.19:14

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Mid-night Merlot

Now daylight climbs those far-off stairs leading to prostrate past
The whistling lamplighter of stars tends to his twilight task
Now stammering and clamoring and all its kindred-mates
Muffle, caught in the shuffle of moon-beams on silver slates

Now barefoot boys are stripped of noise; silk slumber-streams unfurl
While dragons holed in horror-haunts their phantom terrors hurl
And all the colors of the world are black and charcoal-gray
Where autumn is a martinet of orange-gold-red by day

The baron is a beggar and the poet is a lord
Word-wisps are frigates set adrift where dark of dark is poured
And even though we close our eyes the charter of a thought
Is never stilled or held at bay by what sight sees as naught

Drink deep; vintage of velvet froth is pungent as it drips
Hard, hard upon the heart of hearts and soft upon the lips
Nothing of life is salvaged save the flowers that we toss
Into life's vat of memories; love’s soul-sweet albatross

© Janet Martin

Summer is never really over because...

...change the season in your veins by raising glass to lip and tilting summer in.
Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury