Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

 At IGWRT they ask these questions today...

What color is your morning?
What are the shapes of your day?
What are the smells of your evening?
What are the textures of your favorite piece of clothing?
What are the sounds you hear right now?
What nourishes you?
What do you see when you open your eyes and really look?

 Play by play on Leap Day unfolding...

Gray arms cleave to Mother Earth
Dawn offers a bleak embrace
As ice tears dash her frozen turf
Coffee sings amazing grace
Obliterating dull despair
In amber sunshine on my tongue
Dear daughter dangles from my chair
As she observes how ‘poem’ is done
And then she’s off in twirls and whirls
Of Sunkist orange and sock-feet glee
Thank-you God, for little girls
I inhale simplicity;
The scent of wood-smoke from the fire
The flail of axe as son splits wood
The arguments of sibling ire
Life is good, life is good
Weather man forecasts cold rain
Red flannel smiles, warm fingers touch
Chocolate cake pulled from the oven
I don’t mind the cold too much
Oom-pa-pa notes dip and dive
Piano lessons cannot wait
Oh, it’s good to be alive
‘Snow day’ mornings sure are great

© Janet Martin

I wrote this poem as the moments played out…
The kids have a 'snow day' school. 
I realized to keep up with Victoria as she flits about the house is a whole separate poem!
Matthew split the wood, started a fire, then I told him he may bake his favorite chocolate cake and we’ll have ‘leap day’ cake for supper.


To teach a child morality
With no Base for its stand
Is like trying to plant a tree
On shores of shifting sand

Our eyes behold but half the tree
Though towering are its reaches
It is the Base we cannot see
Securing storm-tossed branches

The whole of moral law consists
Not only by instruction
But by a hidden measuring stick
That justifies law’s judgment

How can we teach a child of love
And yet deny its Giver?
Love has a Source man cannot prove
Without a Higher Power

How can we teach morality
Or fool-proof absolutes
And yet ignore the Deity
That gives the Law its roots?

© Janet Martin 

As I watch the wind bending the trees I marvel at their strength...
...the trunk never moves though the branches are thrashed in the gale.
And yet it is not the trunk which keeps it there. It is the part we cannot see.
The trees survival depends on the surety of the roots. If the roots are healthy and True the tree will stand.

It spawned a train of thought as I looked at my kids (snow day again) and I began to wonder how their 'roots' are developing. Will they hold fast in the storm's of life?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Time Enough or A Housewife Rebels

Time enough for mundane dues
The sun has flung a yellow wash
Across the earth; dull avenues
Transform beneath its gilded sash
And I must leave these bland confines
Of ginger-spice and lemon soap
Of laundry-poems with endless lines
The breeze, a gentle calliope
Strums eagerly the jeweled limb
It beckons to me from the air
As nature’s azure, lilting hymn
Seeps through the window to my chair
Where Duty with austere command
Points me to pots and pans and broom
But a kind stranger tugs my hand
And lures me to earth’s grand ballroom
Where now silk threads have teased the sun
To dim her golden smile a bit
For soon another day is gone
And soon the evening star is lit
For even now the pale white ghost
Of crescent moon dangles aloft
Before the sun has thought to coast
Beneath the western skyline’s croft
Time enough for mundane dues
Today offers no repeat chance
On lengthened shadow avenues
Kind stranger, may I have this dance?

© Janet Martin

…and so we did

On Waiting...

We cannot rush the unfolding of a flower
Or improve upon its flawless, fragile bloom

We cannot hasten minutes through an hour
To by-pass lessons in life’s waiting room

We cannot hurry seasons or extend them
The naked tree must wait for spring’s consent

We cannot form God’s preordained perfection
But we can trust and wait…and be content

© Janet Martin

 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage,
and he shall strengthen your heart:
 wait, I say, on the LORD. Ps. 27:14

I Wonder...

If I am the only ‘Jesus’
That some will ever see
I wonder what they think of Him
As they meet Him through me

If I profess to take His name
Wherever I may go
I wonder if they think of Him
As One they’d like to know


Monday, February 27, 2012

Like Pipe-smoke on a Sultry Summer's Eve

You weave
through my senses
I’m entranced
by your lips
as they brush
my thought
in an ethereal kiss
and memories murmur,
a spiraling blush
into the dense
warm twilight hush
like pipe-smoke
on a sultry summer's eve
your presence
softly, you weave
your way to me
over cumbersome answers
with questions never breathed,
truth cementing
fact into place
Still, I remain
touching your face
reluctant to call it a day
though moments pelt
the deepening silver-gray
like snowflakes melt
they fade away
into history’s expanding clutch
without tangible touch
Oh, it’s strange
how thought can stray
needing no map
to guide its way
across oceans
of twilight nothingness
to you...



There are no maps
To direct me
No highways to follow
No hills to climb
But I can find you
With my eyes closed
Destinies of the heart
Are traveled
Through the mind


The Onset of Things to Come

The dawn has spread, four hours deep
Across the thinning sky
Illusive ghosts of midnight creep
Beyond its waning eye
And on the cusp of things to come
With mystic fingertips
God’s grace unfolds a sacred bloom
As morning parts its lips

Inhale the nectar of His hope
Love bleeds miraculously
As Time exhales a transient scope
Of opportunity
And on the cusp of things to come
Another day begins
Mercy imparts from lofty Throne
Forgiveness for our sins

Beneath our feet a stepping-stone
Of moments yields its path
Leading into life’s vast unknown
From history’s aftermath
Ephemeral vapor on Time’s tongue
This brief reality
What was
What is
And is to come

© Janet Martin

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Abiding Treasure

The beauty of a word remains
Long after youth’s ephemeral dance
Or its passive and pleasant glance
The beauty of a word remains

Speak to me that treasure then
Far better it than transient fray
For when I am old and gray
I will smile with pleasure, then

Some strive for fame and fortune’s gold
Dross does not leave the spirit stirred
But oh, the splendor of a word
Is such a wondrous thing to hold

The beauty of a word remains
Long after youth’s ephemeral gasp
It will soothe our wanton clasp
The beauty of a word remains
