Monday, March 10, 2025

Take a (Humbler) Moment...

Yesterday we celebrated our sweet Victoria's 24th Birthday
Every celebration (esp. since Sept. 17) is raw with humbler awareness 
of life's uncertainty/vulnerability...
My sister Lucy's husband and daughter were a special part
of the celebration; unspoken sorrow tuning our laughter
with kinder joy...

It is with unspeakable tenderness that we treasure the halo of faces
around a dinner table! 

(I'm not sure why the beginning and end of 
the song is cut off) oh, well...


Ah, take a moment, drink it in; the clime of Time is hasting
Its dawn-to-dusk designed to win the present we are tasting
Where nothing stays the same for long; each season, farewell-smitten
While deathless lyrics to Our Song of Life are being written

Sometimes, while in the bloom of love eyes close, never to waken
The loom that weaves The Mortal Glove, by God given and taken
Then, take a moment more to treasure the halo of faces
Around the table; prize love’s pleasure nothing else replaces

Behold the bud of virgin morn, like a flower unfolding
Where soon the bloom of it is borne to Bygone’s holy holding
Each bud a little like a door that God opens and closes
So, take a humbler moment more to thank Him for life’s roses

For no one knows the day nor hour He will bend without pardon
To pluck another precious flow’r from this world’s wanting garden
Then, drink with mindful regard from a fount filled by life’s Giver
With Ink of Moments that become Our Song of Life forever

Janet Martin

Jesus replied, “It is not for you to know times or seasons
that the Father has fixed by His own authority

( our community is in deep mourning once again;
last week a young husband and father of five,
lost his life in a tragic accident).

Behold the bud of virgin morn, like a flower unfolding
Where soon the bloom of it is borne to Bygone’s holy holding
Each bud a little like a door that God opens and closes
So, take a humbler moment more to thank Him for life’s roses...


  1. What a beautiful reminder of our finite days. Happy Birthday to your Victoria. I was so sad to hear of the death of that young father, leaving behind a widow and mother of 5 children. Oh my, that is heartbreaking beyond the pale. I hope there are many to rally around that bereaved family.

    BTW, that cake looks scrumptious! It must have been a feast! Thank you, Janet!

    1. Good morning Brenda and thankyou for the birthday wishes! also for reminding me to be so thankful for the compassionate community surrounding the bereaved family!! God is faithful. The cake was a delectable treat enjoyed by all<3 Thank-you again for your kindness here and to the writing/reading world.

    2. oops I forgot to share the link for Brenda's latest post. i highly recommend a copy and paste this link to enjoy her latest post on Inscribe...


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!