Saturday, March 15, 2025

Because The Heart Is Prone To Fear...

The heart is prone to fear
The eye to what it sees
Without God’s Word to commandeer
How gullible are these

The ear is how we hear
With voice we speak and sing
Without God’s Word to enrich cheer
How hollow noises ring

From minds, thought is unfurled
The hand follows, with deed
Without God’s Word, to gain the world
Still cannot sustain need

Bodies are born to die
Dust-to-dust, the Soul’s gown
Without God’s Word, hope is a lie
And knowledge but a clown

The Soul, God-breathed, endures
Beyond mortality
Faith in God and His word secures
Its holy destiny/victory

Headlines spew hateful wrath
And forecasts, dark and grim
God’s Word is a Light to our path
No woe/foe its glow can dim

Better to trust the Lord
In all we do not know
Because the power of His Word
No force can overthrow

The heart is prone to fear
Fear blinds us to the hills
With peace His Word instills

The heart is quick to yield
To fear and dread and doubt
God's Word is both a sword and shield
None can survive without

© Janet Martin

Eph.6:13-17 BSB
13Therefore take up the full armor of God,
 so that when the day of evil comes, 
you will be able to stand your ground, 
and having done everything, to stand.
  14Stand firm then, 
with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, 
with the breastplate of righteousness arrayed, 
15and with your feet fitted 
with the readiness of the gospel of peace.
  16In addition to all this, 
take up the shield of faith, 
with which you can extinguish all
 the flaming arrows of the evil one. 
17And take the helmet of salvation 
and the sword of the Spirit, 
which is the word of God.

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