Monday, March 17, 2025

Dear Lucy...Perfected At Last

After this poem was written, I realized that it was in a sense a reply to
some of the last words shared by Lucy on Instagram...

Today marks six months since she left this world.
(the photo was taken from her front porch)

Pen cannot fan to flame again,
 the span of spent Septembers
But it can kindle fires from tender tinder of thought
Where sanguine scenes still warm a heart-shaped hearth of glowing embers
And spill into the silence,
 bouquets of forget-me-not

Pen cannot lure to life again 
that which is dead and buried
But it can keep alive a memory that else would fade
I see you waving from your porch; and yet, your voice is carried
Not on Time’s winds of change
 but from a doorway Heaven-stayed

Pen cannot write/right away the wrongs
that love is bound to weather
But, like a splash of sunshine it can pen a hymn of cheer
To bind love’s wounds with syllables that weave a kind of tether
That draws us close together
 until Time’s mists disappear

Pen cannot press away the pangs
that sweeten joy with sorrow
Ten-thousand poems cannot write away the loss of one
You were a poem penned by God not to keep, but to borrow
Perfected at last; not by Time, 
but by faith's triumph won

Love forever,
Janet Martin

Ps.138:8 KJV
The LORD will perfect that which concerns me;
 Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever; 
Do not forsake the works of Your hands.

My heart still aches beyond words 
and our Heavenly Father still comforts with His words.
He is faithful.

Ps. 145:13-14 NIV
The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises
    and faithful in all he does.[c]
 The Lord upholds all who fall
    and lifts up all who are bowed down.


  1. 6 months! Without your sweet Lucy deserves a long tight hug from me.
    I 💝 you Janet 🙏🏻

  2. 6 months... So missed 💔


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!