Whether our children are babies, adolescent,
teen, or adult a mother's love
is beyond spelling...
fierce and tender,
firm and gentle,
sweet and staunch,
watchful and brave,
forever and ever
I told Victoria that the poem I posted last week isn't really her 'official'
birthday poem, but every time I try to put my love into a poem
I am at a loss for words...
How does one spell the holy, humbling
deeps of love ?!
Dear mothers, you know that 'feeling', right?
As you look at your children, no matter their age
and you are rushed through with a tidal wave of
compassion, concern and thankfulness...
Mother's love is a language
commonly penned with the domestic ink
of cooking and baking,
cleaning and laundry,
and little extra-touches to make home
a gentle, orderly and happy place
that says
'I love you'
Victoria chuckled at the over-tanned smiley faces garnishing
one of our suppers last week...
It transcends tender thought
It defies utterance
It strains but yet has never wrought
Perfected eloquence
It fills a treasure trove
Where ink-penchant runs wild
But cannot tame to words, the love
Mother has for her child
It evades wistful rhymes
Medley of smiles and tears
And prayers to fill ten-thousand times
The cannikin of years
It gapes in grasping sighs
Through hold and letting go
It glints, like hints of paradise
Caught in a flake of snow
To write a mother’s love
Seems to elude Her pen
While evoking cries of 'enough
To try and try again'
To temper onto page
The ocean of the soul
To grant a glimpse of age to age
Where wordless poems roll
© Janet Martin
3 John 1:4
I have no greater joy than to hear
that my children are walking in the truth.
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