Saturday, July 6, 2024

Sweet Summer- Part two

"Summer afternoon; summer afternoon; 
to me those have always been the two most beautiful words 
in the English language." 
Henry James

Summer morning, afternoon and night are celebration-worthy, 
don't you agree?!
compilation # 2  of summer mementos
(sweet summer part one HERE)

Sweet summer is mornings, swathed in soft-mist cape
A rushing recurrence of wonder, agape...

A landscape where lilies of garden and field
Awes/Wows worship with whispers of Heaven revealed...

Where work of an Artist anoints our gaze
With countryside canvases agog with praise...

From fine feathered choristers filling the glade
With joy for the new day the Lord has made

Sweet summer is soaking in sun-shaded nooks
With cuppa hot java and basket of books

Sweet summer’s to-do lists are not hard to bear
Of tending the garden, then gleaning fresh fare...

Sweet summer is ever the tenderest yen
Of troubadour-tug of wars twixt plow and pen...

Good Lord full of mercy, what is Woman to do
With sink full of dishes, and world full of You...

Sweet summer is mornings, swathed in soft-mist cape
A rushing recurrence of wonder, agape
A landscape where lilies of garden and field
Awes/Wows worship with whispers of Heaven revealed
Where work of an Artist anoints our gaze
With countryside canvases agog with praise
From fine feathered choristers filling the glade
With joy for the new day the Lord has made
Impressing the Creature, human-nature bent
To trust in their Teacher and thus be content

Sweet summer is soaking in sun-shaded nooks
With cuppa hot java and basket of books
To take a break from toil’s beck of grins and groans
That earns the sweet slumber of work-weary bones
From redeeming wisely each hour, for we know
The truth of the precept; 'we reap what we sow'
And it is not prudent to sit idle long
Nor is it idleness to join in the song
That trembles in tresses of maple and birch
Above grassy pews in an open-air church

Sweet summer’s to-do lists are not hard to bear
Of tending the garden, then gleaning fresh fare
Of weeding and pruning and mowing for hours
To enjoy the company of birds and flow’rs
To commune with the kind Creator of these;
Hilltops fringed with stately silhouettes of trees
Meadows hung from ethereal rafters, azure
Rivers full of laughter and fisherman’s lure
Larkspur’s purple pleasure for butterflies, bees
And we who delight in the Maker of these

Sweet summer is ever the tenderest yen
Of troubadour-tug of wars twixt plow and pen
Good Lord full of mercy, what is Woman to do
With sink full of dishes, and world full of You
Where Time’s fleeting fuel, so briefly bestows
Creation’s crown jewel in every rose
And Poet is eager to tame onto page
Fond scenes to revisit when winter gales rage
Like sweet summer morning, swathed in mint-green mist
Like long summer evening, dust and dew kissed

Like slow summer afternoons, muzzled, it seems
Where breeze is too lazy to ruffle the streams
Where the former riot of bird song and screech
Grows quiet, save for the sea gulls at the beach
Where mothers are ready for tots to take naps
And shake out the warm nest made of arms and laps
Where Cat that Dog chases, gets a holiday
Where yon slope showcases sun and shadow play
Where God tips a treasure vault of petal-wealth
Where reeds turn russet, as they drink to their health

Sweet summer is never presumptuous enough
To give us too much of everything we love
Then, break its bread rev’rently, savour each crumb
Of buttercup, daisy, of delphinium
And linger a little bit longer because
What is today's Is, will be tomorrow’s Was
Save, if by the grace of God He grants the ink
To press into poem endless poppy-pink
To capture, like the fragrance of lavender
The rapturous wonder of sweet, sweet summer

...because there is always a yesterday tugging
Always a precious today that needs hugging
 Always tomorrow, tonight holds at bay
Always a moment slip-slipping away
Always, in spite of  bygone's vast eons stilled
An eager emptiness waiting to be filled
Ah, sweet, sweetest summer, you do your best part
At keeping us younger/keening the hunger in years of the heart
Though we sense Past's eloquence, hour by hour
As we collect happiness/holiness, flower by flow'r

© Janet Martin

Where Time’s fleeting fuel, so briefly bestows
Creation’s crown jewel in every rose...

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