Thursday, July 18, 2024

Like a Lovely Treasure Hunt

John 15:11
I have told you these things so that My joy may be in you 
and your joy may be complete.

John 16:24
Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. 
Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.

It's the time of year when blog posts and poems don't have any fixed schedule!!
Right now I'm waiting for zucchini date nut loaves to finish baking...
oops!! just checked them and they're done! (recipe below)

 I began this poem yesterday before heading out to a
belated birthday tea with some friends I used to do childcare for...
inspiring this line; Thank God for little boys and girls; 
for cups of tea with cake-slice bliss...
(I intentionally didn't take my camera with me but thoroughly regretted it)
Enjoying leftovers today and treasuring the memories !

this was last weekend's slice of cake bliss 😋

To search for simple joys each day is like a lovely treasure hunt...

Like rooster at daybreak that crows to rally us with raucous noise...

Like bud that always without fail bears handiwork, second to none

Who can instill the seed with bread,...

Who but God can turn every head to marvel at His evidence...

To search for simple joys each day is like a lovely treasure hunt
To keep discouragement at bay and touch the hem of God’s garment
The weight of love’s workaday cares, or circumstance, heavy with ‘why’
Without the One who hears our prayers, would drain life’s cup of gladness dry
Thank-you dear Lord, for the sweet joy and peace that comes from trusting You
Content to know none can destroy Your promises, faithful and true

This world reels and groans with unknowns, yet overflows with simple joys
Like rooster at daybreak that crows to rally us with raucous noise
Like bud that always without fail bears handiwork, second to none
Like night as it grows pale and wears blue and blush scarf, then brooch of sun
And as daylight grows dim dusk splays a gold and coral masterpiece
As heaven’s declarations brim with praise for He who does not cease

Goodness and mercy’s glory-days are not reserved for Select Few
God loves to amaze us with ways that mere mortal cannot outdo
Who can instill the seed with bread, or offer death’s deliverance
Who but God can turn every head to marvel at His evidence
Who else can crown Bygone’s vast ‘Had’ with Holy Ground of a new day
For us to rejoice and be glad for simple joys along life’s way

Like fresh baked pies, cookies or tarts, like curious little girls and boys
Who find the soft spot in our hearts and tickle us with simple joys
Of innocence and grins and curls, dimples and freckled nose to kiss
Thank God for little boys and girls; for cups of tea with cake-slice bliss
For colour-kindled laundry lines and gardens bursting at sod-seams
For honey-suckle and grape vines, for happiness of hopes and dreams

Praise God from whom all blessings pour in mercies where sorrows run rife
While making us more thankful for the simple joys of love and life
Like strength to tackle to-do lists and pause to smell the posies too
Like lying beneath vistas of cumulus cloud and boundless blue
Like being humbly overcome with gratitude; joy’s sweetest sum
Evoked by things like clumsy bumblebees, covered in pollen crumbs

© Janet Martin

Like fresh baked pies,...

colour-kindled laundry lines 

and gardens bursting at sod-seams

For honey-suckle and grape vines,

and the recipe for;

Janet's Date-nut Zucchini Bread

3 eggs (room temp)
1 cup oil
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
11/2 tsp. vanilla
2 cups shredded zucchini
11/2 cups all purp. flour 
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
(OR 2 cups all purpose flour)
1/2 tsp. salt
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 cup chopped nuts
1 cup chopped dates

Beat eggs then add sugars, oil and vanilla.
stir in zucchini
Sift and add dry ingred.
Do not overmix.
Last stri in nuts and dates.

Line 2 loaf pans with parchment paper
(or grease them but I find they get a bit dark on the bottom
 more easily without paper.)
Divide batter evenly
garnish with a few more nuts if you like
bake at 350F till firm to touch
(between 45-55 min.)

cool and enjoy.
These loaves freeze well which is why I usually make a double batch


  1. Love your post, Janet. Love this line: "To search for simple joys each day is like a lovely treasure hunt." It's fun to go looking for these simple joys every day. Your recipe sounds delicious.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!