Friday, July 19, 2024

Hymn of Hope

but hope, joy and peace abides...

Peace I leave with you;
My peace I give to you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled;
do not be afraid.

If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first.

strengthening the souls of the disciples
and encouraging them to continue in the faith.
"We must endure many hardships
to enter the kingdom of God," they said.

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors
through Him who loved us.

Teach me to do thy will;
for thou art my God:
thy spirit is good;
lead me into the land of uprightness.

Not every one that saith unto me,
, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;
but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

The world is passing away, along with its desires;
but whoever does the will of God remains forever.


Praying we turn to, flee to and lean on 
God's Word for comfort and assurance!
Praying we dare to stand strong
like Daniel of old,
in the face of opposition! 
For powerful summer reading I highly recommend

Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, 
but My words will never pass away....

The Creator of Heaven and earth is faithful in all He has said

This world is full of noise and joys, grief, trouble, sorrow’s tears
Lord, give us ears to hear Your voice and faith to transcend fears
Your Word is truth; Lord, help us seek to hide it in our hearts
To strengthen us when we are weak, to thwart the Tempter’s darts
To help us to be modern-day apostles; faithful, true
Enough to know that nothing is impossible with You
Who tunes the wondrous universe yet knows us all full-well
Because you died to break sin’s curse and conquer death and hell

This world is charged with choice and consequence, regret and grace
Lord, tune us to the gross offence of love we oft misplace
Lord, forgive us our debt, of neglect and ingratitude
Help us commit not to forget your kind mercies renewed
Each morning, then to live to worship You through word and deed
Enough to know that You forgive, You gird, You intercede
And nothing is too hard for You; Comforter, Father, Friend
Your Word alone equips us to be faithful to the end

This world and all in it will pass away; never Your Word
Like armour that fits perfectly; the soldier/soul-dier undeterred
Able to face ferocious foe with holy confidence
The loving grace whereby we go, faith’s refuge and defense
Because we are victorious, though days are dark with death
Enough to know Who goes before us till our dying breath
When faith’s veil will be rent, and time’s dim glass that we peer through
Is shattered; Lord, keep us obedient, steadfast and true

This world is full of fleeting boasters, proud, corrupt and blind
Lord, pray we strive to love You most, with heart, soul, strength and mind
To wholly trust you as we offer up Self, sacrificed
Glad for the gospel’s sake to suffer for the cause of Christ
Because You suffered in our stead to draw mankind to You
Enough to know what You have said You are able to do
And greater, so much greater is Your Inner Voice unfurled
Than all the human natures of the armies of this world

© Janet Martin

But the Lord is my defence; 
and my God is the rock of my refuge.


On this rather somber and hopeful note
I am taking my annual blogging break until the end of July.
See you in August, Lord willing!

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!