Friday, March 8, 2024

The Best That Boast Can Laud (begins and ends with God)

Happy...Friday?!! Already😅🙏💗

So many sweet photo-op skies this week...
Below, just a few!

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
  16For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities.
 All things were created through Him and for Him.
17He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

All beauty we behold is divinely founded!
without God's mercy and might to hold it in place
it would all fall!

Artists, since the beginning mimic His creation,
all inspiration of God-breathed origin!

My poetic endeavors have been challenged this week
it seems. It flew by in a blink of blessing!

Mon.-Food safety and management course, 

Tues.-grand-sonny visit, appointment, small group gettogether,

Wed. finishing food prep and delivery for event mentioned here 
Thursday-Help my mom with spring-cleaning (forgot camera!!)😭
...and just like that!!! It's Friday!

Today I am prepping food and house 
for our youngest daughter's birthday celebration
on the weekend!
A whole bunch of friends staying over while 
Jim and I stay out😅💝

I began this poem yesterday morning!
The first line fell from Heaven as I stood admiring the sky
while rubbing sleep from my eyes...

Time’s fountain brims with life; it peals from belfries gold and gray
Its showstoppers run rife; God never takes a holiday
The Hand that tunes the tide that ebbs and flows with season-sweeps
Regales the countryside with color, crowned with boundless deeps
The best that boast can laud as brush and pen rush awe’s grandstands
Begins and ends with God; each work of art drawn from His hands

He grants the breathless dance of worship’s unrehearsed requiem
And cheers hope’s countenance with refreshment where mercies stream
In wonders of creation, from the wellspring of his Word
Reasons for celebration overflow and undergird
To kindle exaltation that is incomparable
Salvation’s invitation still extends to one and all

God’s goodness never ceases to thrill the soul that believes
Unrivaled masterpieces humble all mankind achieves
Thus, the best boast can muster as we meditate on This
Are endeavors to trust Him more because of Who He IS
His faultless Influence imparts the best that boast can laud
All art we woo from hands and hearts begins and ends with God

© Janet Martin

Every artist who ever has dipped pen or brush
 into inkwells and paint palettes
draws from scenes cupped and cradled in God's Hands!
Thus every work of art ought to be signed-
By His grace
For His glory!

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!