Friday, December 9, 2022

Emmanuel (What more do we need?)

Matthew 1:23
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, 
and they shall call his name Emmanuel, 
 being interpreted is, God with us.

O Come, Emmanuel-Simon Khorolskiy 

God with us since the beginning; God with us; His Word unfurled
Like hope’s harbor in this sinning, struggle-stricken, broken world

God with us, His omni-presence no army can overthrow
His Word in our hearts, the essence of peace only faith can know

God with us down through the ages; grace and truth to set us free
Manifesting sacred pages; He Who Was, IS and Will Be

God with us in joy and sorrow never to leave or forsake
Yesterday, today, tomorrow His Word will not change or shake

God with us, ah, precious promise, who can fully comprehend
The wonder of Jesus; glorious, infinite and without end

God with us, eternal power, demons tremble when we pray
 Oh, the height and depth of our confidence through mercy's Stay

God with us amidst a heathen disregard and deadly jeer
In and through His Word faith meets/seeks Him to comfort and commandeer

God with us, Unseen, yet faithful Father, Counsellor, and Friend
He helps us to help each other to be faithful to the end

God with us, sweet consolation no matter what may beset
God with us, mankind’s salvation oh, may we never forget

Holy, holy hallelujah! Come, let us praise and adore
He who is Love, Truth, Jehovah! God with us forevermore

© Janet Martin

Emmanuel, God With Us- Charles Spurgeon

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