Monday, December 13, 2021

Priceless Provision...

Visiting the dentist that I have had a long-standing 
Or rephrase, a long tipped almost upside-down relationship with
is NOT the way I would choose to start the week 
but I am very thankful for him nonetheless😅😂
This morning I couldn't help but laugh out loud when he asked me
if I'm feeling numb yet? Oxy moron?
Visiting the dentist always allows lots of time to reflect!

The eastward edge of earth and sky gives birth to break of day...
(to we who remain)
We know it will be so for nothing can dawn’s courser’s sway

How beautiful the funeral service message of comfort was yesterday
to the family and friends of my Uncle Ernie Frey
In closing the minister reiterated the wonderful comfort in the knowledge
 that though we mourn it is not without hope
because God did provide a way that defeated death
and leads to life eternal.
Oh, what a blessed hope and joy for all who believe!
So, though this year for many, Christmas is marked with sorrow
for those who believe it remains a season of everlasting joy as well!
The Child in the manger 
became man's redemption on the cross at Calvary!
Now, that's a Tree worth revering,
a joy worth shouting!
From it hung the Light of the World
in time's darkest hour!
Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

The quote below is from a book of Peter Marshall messages...

The eastward edge of earth and sky gives birth to break of day
We know it will be so for nothing can dawn’s courser’s sway
Just as we know the west will showcase sunset’s artistry
Faith fixes eyes upon a prize it knows but cannot see

This is the day the Lord has made with hope and grace renewed
Time’s march, far more than stiff-starched moment-soldiers, season-hued
It is a footpath to an aftermath by breath concealed
And only when life ceases, then the rest will be revealed

God does not leave grief comfortless when death collects its due
If we believe then we receive Hope’s anchor, firm and true
Though storms may toss with loss, the power of the cross abides
Faith dearly clings through sufferings to the hope God provides

The Faithful One who gave His Son to pay the sinner’s debt
Will never fail though dark the vale of sorrows that beset
God, through His Son, knew love had won, though it appeared He died
The triumph of faith, hope and love was on death’s other side

© Janet Martin

Luke 12:31-32
But seek [f]the kingdom of God, 
and all these things shall be added to you.
 â€œDo not fear, little flock, 
for it is your Father’s good pleasure
 to give you the kingdom. 

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!