He etches artwork of tree-frame on skyline
Ethereal canvas of ruby and gold
Where one more day with each half-breath is fading
Into Past’s vast and invisible hold
He spoke to Being crag, coppice and canyon
Fathom of flowers were formed by His thought
Alpha-Omega yet in every moment
Nothing is born but that by His Hand wrought
And though nature awes the mind-reach of a man
‘tis merely the back-drop to Love’s Master Plan
He left His throne in the glories of Heaven
Love drove this Shepherd to earth’s stony sweep
Not to still reeds tossed in wind-worn abandon
But to draw to Him each wandering sheep
Love’s tender wooing sought souls stiff and stubborn
Here, where the brush-strokes of nature-song fell
Power and passion loved hearts fully human
Knowing the cost of His courtship full-well
Not of red roses nor wine in His cup
But thorns on His head and a cross lifted up
Pardon’s red river still rolls through the ages
Love, culminated on Calvary’s tree
Writes His love story on century-pages
‘Darling Deliverer sets sin-captives free’
Lover of mortal, Redeemer, Good Shepherd
Salvation’s romance of Savior to soul
Draws us from gutters of guilt to Love’s shoulder
If not for Love then where can we be Whole?
God’s grace expands Time’s ephemeral slate
Love cannot bear to fetter Mercy’s Gate
© Janet Martin
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